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Joined: Jun 12, 2023

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Alien (2023) #1

Jun 16, 2023

Let me begin this by saying how big of an alien fan I am. I love the movies the games (yes even colonial marines). I’ve read the comics and own all the Omnibus of the dark horse years that marvel has now published. After the last volume I was let down it wasn’t as good as the first one. Also not a huge fan of doing the whole one arc then let’s have another #1. However this isn’t the writer or artists fault and I won’t judge on this. This issue is very mid ground. Takes place on an icy planet/moon with a team that’s looking for water to see if life could be sustained there. They of course find something under the ice. You find out that they have been stranded there an extra few months waiting for pickup and to be relieved. When everyone’s favorite villains Weyland Yutani arrives inform them that they have purchased the company they worked for and they now work for Weyland Yutani. So I am waiting to read issue #2 to judge how this run is going to go and wish for the best.

Alien (2023) #2

Jun 23, 2023

Once again let me preface this by saying I love the Alien franchise. I have the movies the games and the comics. The first issue as I said in my review started off a tad bit slow. However things start going down in this issue. Weyland-Yutani has arrived and is seizing control of the base and trying to get all research on planet. They end up doing some digging to see what the researchers had found and they cause a portion of the ground to collapse. What they find I’ll leave for you to read and see for yourself. Also towards the end of the issue one of my favorite types of xenomorps make its appearance.

Alien (2023) #3

Jul 19, 2023

So i don’t know how to feel about this series so far. I feel like its Aliens so what exactly do you expect out of it? Then on the other hand I feel as if nothing has really happened three issues in. There really hasn’t been any real developments in this issue. So in this issue we have Weyland-Yutani people hunting the Alien in the base while the researchers are trying to get out. The mother gets reunited with her daughter and insists they need to go to the lab for some of their research and then escape. Of course everything doesn’t go well and they realize they are on a Xenomorph nest and the issue ends. Like I said I love Alien and will always read all of the comics but it this one seems like just a generic alien one.

Bloodline: Daughter of Blade (2023) #4

Jul 8, 2023

So issue #4 was great. One of the better Marvel books being released at the moment. I could be bias since I do love Blade and can’t wait for the new movie whenever that finally comes out. Spin this issue Bri is coming along with her training with her father so well Blade gives her a jacket which she loves. She sees and asks if the pockets in it are for stakes. Blade tells her they are the injection he uses to keep the bloodlust at bay and that she should use them if she needs to. We then get the touching moment of a hug between them. Then they go into the house and find out her mother is missing and has been kidnapped. She goes to school where she finds out who has her mothers phone. Then you flash to Blade and the people who have her mom. It leaves you at a point I got to stop writing this so I can get to the next issue.

Bloodline: Daughter of Blade (2023) #5

Jul 8, 2023

Bloodline Daughter of Blade #5 So I am sad to see this mini series come to an end. It was a good well told story with great art. I also hope they continue Bri story at some point either an ongoing or another miniseries. Let’s face it guys we need more Blade in our life. So in this issue we get the resolution. Bri mom shows up and they inform her friends what is going on and Bri friends agree to take her mom to the hospital while she stays to fight with Whitney and then go to save Blade. The final showdown shows hat Frost has no loyalty as he throws a knife at his adopted daughter and turns to Blade. At this point Bri goes to town and gets called too weak to finish the job and kill him. Blade steps over and says she is not weak and still in training and kills Frost. The series ends with her and her friends playing baseball you learn the fate of Whitney.

Brynmore (2023) #1

Jul 21, 2023

Brynmore #1 Review This book has some real potential. I am a big fan of horror in comics so the cover of this caught my attention right away. I knew nothing about it when I dove into it and it did not disappoint. It is an issue that lays groundwork of what’s to come establishes some different characters and gives us the back story of our main guy Turner This takes place on Turner island named after our main character Mark Turner family. However his family isn’t very well liked on the island but Mark is just there to try and get his life together after a divorce and recovering from drugs and alcohol. He decides he is going to renovate the old church and make it into his home. However in doing work he finds something and that’s where this issue comes to a hell of a cliffhanger ending. Like I said nothing scary really happens in this issue however it does a great job of introducing you to the world of the story and sets up for the events too come. The art is also spot on for this book. I can not describe how much I am looking forward to issue number 2 to see where this ends up going.

Cosmic Ghost Rider (2023) #3

Jun 21, 2023

What can I say? I’m a huge fan of this character and all the series he has been in from the Thanos run to Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History. This run is no different. Where it isn’t as good as Donny Cates run on the character it has still grabbed me and I can not wait to get my hands on the next issue that comes out. The art in this book is great has me just sitting back and enjoying that on top of the story itself. As for the story it is good and solid. Somehow Frank has a doppelgänger (or a reincarnated version of himself). As Valkyrie is doin battle with the doppelgänger he real Cosmic Ghost Rider is trying to escape a bounty hunter hats after him for what he other him has done. On top of this Frank is dealing with his powers being on the fritz. I am so looking forward to what happens next and rushing through this review so that I can start the next issue.

Cosmic Ghost Rider (2023) #4

Jun 23, 2023

Cosmic ghost rider is probably m6favorite among the newer “heroes” marvel has come up with. The Donny Cates material was amazing. This series has not really disappointed at all. I was really excited to see another mini series with Frank coming out (wish they would do an ongoing). So as for this issue you do find out why there are two Franks when they get them together and they wake up. I’m not going to spoil that one here. This issue reveals that and also we have a little fight between the two Ghost Riders out in space that ends up with Frank being transported to an unknown area. He looks up and sees….. the cliffhanger to make you anxiously await the next issue.

Doctor Strange (2023) #4

Jun 23, 2023

So… once again let me begin by saying I loved he Strange run, loved The Death of Doctor Strange little mini event and I loved he start of this run. However this issue felt like it should have been a separate W.A.N.D. book and not part of this run. You do not hear from Doctor Strange at all in this book till a picture of him on the last panel. This book follows Wong around as he works for W.A.N.D and they are investigating the fact that someone is murdering magic villains all over the place. That is pretty much it. This one was a little bit of a struggle to get through. I hope they get this series back on track with the next issue.

Ghostlore (2023) #1

Jun 26, 2023

Cullen Bunn one of the best comic authors writing today. If you can’t tell he is one of my favorite authors. Everything he has written and I have read has been instant adds to my pull list and automatic preorders. This book is no different. This has a ghost monster church vibe to it, and I am all about it. From a church that attendance is declining regardless about how good a sermon the reverend can give. To a family with a teen daughter that wants nothing more than out of the small town, a son who is keeping a horrible secret because he chased a girl into the woods to throw rocks at her and his friends never came back. After this first issue I can’t wait to see where this series goes. If you haven’t checked this one out or ever read anything from Cullen Bunn I highly recommend checking this book and his work out.

Hairball (2023) #1

Jun 14, 2023

So…. This book was not at all what I was expecting. I was expecting a supernatural story about a cat. I love cats and want all the cats I can see. However this comic was a lot more than that. This comic deals with adoption, abuse, divorce and revenge. The artwork isn’t my cup of tea it’s good just doesn’t add to my rating. I am indeed very interested to read issue 2 to see where it goes. Once again you put a cat in a book I am sold on it.

Hairball (2023) #2

Jun 15, 2023

So going into issue 2 I knew what I was getting myself into. This disturbing story about a cat that attempts murder. I still don’t really know how to feel about the story since I love cats but this one is downright evil. From making the girls dad have a stroke at the end of issue 1 to what he does to the mom and the family in this issue. Then we have to discuss if this is all true or is the child crazy and committing these crimes herself she does believe the cat is talking to her and telling her things. So it gives me son of Sam vibes there. We still don’t know what happened that made her have to go to therapy. Overall been a decent book I a, anxiously awaiting issue #3. Which since I am so far behind in my reading I already have so expect a review shortly for issue #3.

Hairball (2023) #3

Jun 16, 2023

So this book is takes you for a ride. It continues from the last book where your main character tries to kill “Bestie” the cat. But then she turns around to see that the cat is still alive. So this drives her crazy she tries everything even studies necromancy and bone magic. To a point she just sounds crazy. Then it jumps to years in the future and she gets older and older then the issue ends in yet another cliff hanger. So far this creative team has done an amazing job with this mini series. Everything they have touched on through the first few issues have paid off and this is a rare feat when it’s a mini series. I can not wait to see how this all ends even though it will be bitter sweet because it will be the end of the series and I just want more and more

Haunt You to the End (2023) #1

Jun 30, 2023

So this book was good. The art wasn’t in a style I like but the story kept me going to the end. It’s kinda a post apocalyptic ghost hunt. Humans have destroyed the reality and now the atmosphere and air quality is dangerous. A billionaire tries to get a team to investigate a haunted island that after the week is t going to exist any more. Also a fun fact about this comic is that in the beginning it shows the, going through a hotel in LA they make a comment how at one time it was the most haunted place in California. This hotel is called The Cecil and I just so happened to stay there when I took a trip out there.

I Hate This Place #9

Jul 1, 2023

So I just want to know what happened with this series? The first arc had me hooked and anxiously awaiting the next issue. The second arc came out and was still good now it takes a turn to be aliens and time travel and a bunch of nonsense. So his issue and the last issue has really let me down. I’m going to finish reading the series since I believe there is only one issue left so mite as well see it to the end. So if you want to read this I would stop after the first story arc and just leave it there.

Incredible Hulk (2023) #1

Jul 14, 2023

The Incredible Hulk #1 Review This is technically the second Hulk series I have read. The first being the mess that was the Donny Cates run. So I was skeptical going into this one but it blew me out of the water. It was great the story hooked me and I just can’t wait for the second issue. This is all based off of Hulk trying to retake control of Banner permanently since he was contained during the Donny Cates run. There is this woman trying to catch the Hulk in order to use him to bring forth the mother of monsters. I don’t know a lot of the lore of Hulk or anything so I’m sold to find out more and more.

Loki (2023) #1

Jul 15, 2023

Loki #1 So in my life I have come to love mythology. I’ve studied Greek, Roman, Egyptian (a little anyway) and Norse mythology. I have even studied German, Latin and Greek and have read a lot of the great tales in these languages. So when it comes to comic superheroes i love Thor and all the stories and characters associated with him. So to say I was excited to hear that a new Loki book was coming out and reading the solicit for it I was so excited to get my hands on it. It did not disappoint. This issue begins off talking about Loki and who he is the former god of mischief. About how warriors collected from the battlefield would be buried with their weapons bent and nails trimmed because Loki was building a ship to navigate against Valhalle during Ragnarok. That he did sail it and it wasn’t time and it was captured and stored in the Vaults. Then it explains how Loki is no longer the God of mischief and is the God of stories and King of Jotunheim. Then it flashes to Loki sitting on a chair in Florida and asks if this is true why are you in Florida? Thor tells him he is checking in and not to neglect his duties he says he isn’t and has ordered his people to learn to read. This of course will backfire as some of the giants read the legend of the ship and go and steal it but crashes it into the world tree and three pieces shoot out throughout the realms. So Thor tells Loki he has to find them before something bad happens and it starts a war between realms. So this is the base of the story so far. This has me hooked and anxiously waiting for the next issue. The artwork is also great and let’s you just get totally emerged in the world and the story they are trying to tell. So if you are looking for a good read and something that you will end up adding to that ever growing pull list check this one out and let me know how you feel about it.

Red Zone (2023) #4

Jul 15, 2023

So like I have stated before Cullen Bunn is one of my favorite writers in comics. Anything that his name is attached to instantly goes on my pull list and is usually one of the first books that I will read that week. This series was good and interesting; however, it was not my cup of tea. I am not hugely into the spy 007 genre of story, even with that being said I still liked this book. It had a few things that grabbed my attention. This series could have went another book or two and still been great. 4 issues was a little short to get everything done. This issue felt rushed. Our main character was hiding away from some old enemies with someone he thought was a friend then the next page he was betrayed and the enemies were on the doorstep. Then the guy hunting him was killed by a robot/man guy then he got killed everything just wrapped up super super fast. I would recommend this series in TPB if you like the whole espionage spy stories because it is a good one.

Strange Academy: Finals (2022) #6

Jun 22, 2023

Strange Academy…. What a series I loved every issue of the first run them of the Finals. This book had me hooked throughout trying to figure out where it was heading. From wondering what would happen to the boy with the magic jacket that didn’t have real magic and made a deal to get some. To a prophecy involving the son of Dormamu so he had to be a bad guy right…..right? This issues ties the main plot of the prophecy coming true up in a bow. There are sad parts to it not everything works out all the time and I’m glad this book didn’t tend with everything being okay. They did leave it open to have another volume or run of this and I sure hope I see it happen. This book has been one of my favorites since I got into comics from the amazing story to the amazing artwork it truly had it all.

TerrorWar (2023) #2

Jul 1, 2023

The first issue of this book caught me enough to be like let’s continue this. However after reading this second issue I don’t think I will be continuing with it. Not that it was bad just not what I wanted out of it. The artwork is great writing is good but the story just hasn’t hooked me.

The Bone Orchard Mythos: Tenement #1

Jul 10, 2023

This is the next little mini-series in “The Bone Orchard Mythos.” Which is Jeff Lemire horror universe. This is the third entry into that universe after, The Passageway was a graphic novel and was the first, Ten Thousand Black Feathers was the second and that was a mini-series. Ten Thousand Black Feathers I really got into so needless to say I was looking forward to this and all the entries into The Bone Orchard Mythos. So knowing this issue is just going to be setting the groundwork for the story ahead. It was kind of slow and didn’t really go anywhere. You get introduced to the characters and the setting, which is an apartment building. It lingers on there being seven people. Isaac is a child that lives with his mother, Amanda, who is Bob's mom and is sick, Felix who is the old man and as far as i can tell the one telling the story in this issue. We have Justin the drug dealer and last we have Gary who is a night worker always complaining about noise. You get the little tidbit about each character setting up their situation and that is about all that happens in this issue. Some interactions between different people and that is all. The art in this book is right along the same lines as the other entries in this universe that is being created and it fits the story really well. It helps sell the mood of the book. I am looking forward to issue #2 to see where this story will go. So I do recommend this if you got time and room for an extra book give this one a shot.

The Great British Bump Off (2023) #1

Jun 12, 2023

This was a good book. Had that mystery feel to it. Those describing it as an Agatha Christie vibe are absolutely correct. The artwork in this book is great. There is also that sense of comedy the co-host being a cat is just perfect (I’m a huge cat person). As for the story. It is solid so far more than I was expecting when I read the solicit. Our main character investigating the murder while having to bake her cake is great. Everything that she is trying to do gets messed up. She wants to do a certain cake in honor of someone when a judge walks over and points out the guy was a bad person so she snaps around and says, “well then it’s honoring him laying in his grave and the worms eating him”. In closing if you want a book that will make you smile and laugh this one is for you. I would give it an 8.5.

The Great British Bump Off (2023) #2

Jun 13, 2023

The Great British Bump Off #2 is a great comedic mystery comic. In this issue they crack down on the suspect list. At the end of issue 1 Maisie finds the list that Shauna was making to help with the investigation. Shauna discovering that she has lost the list decides it’s time to get inside the others heads. While she is doing this let’s not forget they are on a baking game show so she has to make a cake still. Throughout this issue it shows her getting more and more frazzled as time goes on. This issue above all leaves me wanting more. So I can not wait to see what happens in the next issue.

The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos #1  
Thor (2020) #35  
Vanish (2022) #8  

Reviews for the Week of...


