mudstar's Profile

Joined: Feb 01, 2014

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Admittedly, this is one of my favorite series, and I was not disappointed in the least by the series' return after a year hiatus. Snyder and Albuquerque have always worked well together, and this is some of their best work yet, with a cliffhanger that will certainly have readers coming back for more. Accessible for fans and new readers alike, I can't wait to see what new twists and turns this team has in store for us. Highly Recommended.

D4VE #2 Feb 1, 2014

Issues like this are why we read comics. Unbelievable this is a title from the "big two." If you're not reading this series, quit blowing it. Done-in-one stories unlike anything else you'll read...It'll be sad to see this team go after issue six, so enjoy it while you can.

What a surprise. I've never read the book or seen the movies, but I enjoyed every minute of this book. My pick of the week. Excellent script and awesome can't go wrong with this book. More of this, please.

American Vampire: Second Cycle #2 Apr 17, 2014

With the return of Travel Foreman, who penciled the first arc of the series, Lemire brings this volume of Animal Man to an emotional conclusion, providing readers with a portrait of loss not without hope...hope, even, for continuing adventures of Buddy Baker. Along with writing duties, Lemire also pencils a number of pages in this issue, with the contrast between his and Foreman's art styles combining wonderfully in service of the story. This is beautiful, heartfelt stuff...a fitting end for one of the finest series of the New 52.

Probably one of the most enjoyable issues of Action Comics I've read in years. Pak just gets Superman's characterization, providing great interplay between Clark and Lana as they attempt to deal with a subterranean threat. This is just plain fun, and let's hope this team sticks around awhile, as Pak and Kuder are off to a strong start based on their first few issues.

D4VE #1 Feb 1, 2014

Is it any surprise that another issue of Daredevil is great??? This issue does a great job of closing out this volume while setting the stage for Daredevil action on the west coast. I'm definitely looking forward to more Daredevil from Waid, who has written some of the most consistently entertaining superhero stories of the last few years.

Surprise! Waid and Samnee's Daredevil is still great, even after moving to San Francisco.

Great art, timely, believable characterization, and an interesting set up for more adventures. Ms. Marvel is not a title that I had on my radar, and I've read nothing of the character prior to these first two issues. That said, this book, without being heavy-handed, deals with real-world, contemporary issues while also providing some cool super hero action. Everyone should give this book a try...even the Pope's doing it!

Soule continues to impress, crafting a series that feels like nothing else in the DC universe. Expanding Swamp's mythology, introducing new characters, and continually challenging the status-quo, Soule provides an entertaining issue month after month. If you stopped reading Swamp Thing after Snyder's run, it's time to remedy that. Effectively balancing humor with horror, this issue is yet another winner.

A book that seemingly came out of nowhere to become my favorite book of the week. A nice mix of adventure, intrigue, and politics set in an alternate-history WW2. I'll certainly be back for more next month to see how the story continues to develop.

An Abnett and Culbard team-up is a must-buy in my book, and this issue won't be changing my mind on that. Alien invasions, a drunken fox, talking animals! Grab this book. Now.

A promising start to the next chapter of Romero's "Dead" saga, with a twist at the end which promises to further expand Romero's zombie mythology and opens up all sorts of possibilities. While we've been inundated with zombies the last few years, Romero is the man who started it all, and I'm intrigued to see what he and Maleev, who is the perfect artist for the dark tone of a book set in NYC, can accomplish with this series. For now, at least, it's poised to thrill fans of Romero and the genre and I'm excited to see where it goes next.

The Mercenary Sea #1 Mar 18, 2014

While I would definitely enjoy self-contained stories each month, the second issue of The Twilight Zone continues the strong story begun in issue 1, with enough new twists and turns to keep me coming back next month. A fun read overall, especially for fans of the original series.

As expected because, hey, Rucka is involved, this is an enjoyable issue. Dropping readers into the world with no clue of what's going on works in this issue, as the reader is seemingly as confused as the protaganist and must work to discover the details of the predicament. I think the art compliments the tone nicely as well. Surely enough intrigue to come back for the next issue, where we'll inevitably learn more about this character and her world, something I can't wait for.

Clearly, those invested in Morrison's Batman run will find a lot to like here, while those following B&R will probably enjoy this as well. Solo titles acknowledging the shared DC universe are a good thing in my book, so Batman's brief team-up with Aquaman is enjoyable, even if not wholly necessary. It remains to be seen how much more mileage Tomasi can get out of the death of Damian, but I'm not worried if we're treated to more entertaining issues like this one. Recommended for fans of the characters...

Continues to build upon the tension established in the first issue, adding a few new layers to further the mystery. Fans of good horror should definitely check it out. I'll be around for the next two issues to see how this turns out.

If you're at all into the genre, this is a no-brainer. It's no surprise that Rossmo's pages fit the tone of the story wonderfully, and the writing provides just enough twists to the werewolf mythology to keep readers guessing. I'll be here til' the conclusion.

Letter 44 #1 Feb 2, 2014

Yet another strong issue from the series. Soule's pumping out a ton of material lately, all worth checking out. Continuing to develop existing threads while seeding new, intriguing potential, "Letter 44" is a well-written, expertly-paced political/space drama set in an instantly recognizable world.

Solar: Man of the Atom #1 Apr 17, 2014

Not bad, but largely forgettable. I enjoyed Ponticelli's art on Frankenstein: Agent of Shade, and continue to enjoy it here. It's a nice change of pace from DC's "house" style. That said, there's not much of real substance here, though what is provided is enjoyable enough.

Fun but largely forgettable. While there's nothing terrible to be found here, there's not that much of consequence going on. Art is good, story is's hoping for a bit more meat on these bones next month.

While there's nothing particularly bad about the debut issue of "The Fuse," I felt like there's nothing particularly new either. It all feels a little too familiar and, while there's enough to make me want to check it out next month, I'm hoping it develops into something more. The potential is definitely there, though.

I'm all for a little levity in my comics from time to time, but this just feels forced and unfunny. The book tries a little too hard with the jokes and falls flat as far as characterization, plot, etc. Still, it's the type of book DC needs in its lineup, and one which may strike the proper chords with some readers. I, however, didn't love it.

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