Tom swift's Profile

Joined: May 28, 2017

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Overall Rating
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #2

May 28, 2017

Solid, fun issue. An improvement on the first in my opinion

All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #8

Aug 17, 2017

Pretty good issue, 'nuff said

All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #9

Sep 11, 2017

Whilst it was nice to finally learn more about what's up with Groot, this was (to me) the weakest issue of the series so far which isn't to say it was awful,I've just really enjoyed every issue so far so even though this issue was fine and had some good moments I didn't love it as I have previous issues

Batman (2016) #29

Aug 17, 2017

This was a solid issue. I loved the concept of the dinner scenario and think the Joker and Riddler were very well written. Loving this arc so far and eagerly await the next issue

Black Bolt #5

Sep 11, 2017

Not only do I think this is my favourite marvel book at the moment but it is the book I look forward to reading most from any publisher. This issue continued the greatness of this series and in addition to Christian wards usual breathtaking art ,there is additional art from Frazer Irving which also looks beautiful. I could go into a great level of detail describing how much I love this book but instead I will simply say if your not reading this then 100% you should. I will definitely buy this in trade for myself and friends when this arc is over.

I Am Groot #1

May 28, 2017

Not great however it does a good job for younger readers who enjoy Groot from the films

Luke Cage (2017) #4

Aug 17, 2017

This comic is probably David Walkers weakest book at marvel yet but I am still enjoying this book especially the relationship between cage and tanner

Royals #6

Aug 20, 2017

I've been enjoying all of the Inhumans books since the relaunch but this is the only one that really delves into the history of the Inhumans and I've been enjoying it heaps. Ewing clearly knows his stuff and his writing has been improving since this series began. The art is also great and adds a great deal to this book. If you enjoy Inhumans this is a great book to pick up.

Secret Warriors (2017) #2

May 28, 2017

Art's great, rosenberg's great, none of the characters seem out of place and are all done well (love Karnak and lunella). For a secret empire tie-in it is fun and does not require reading the main event

Silver Surfer (2016) #13

Aug 17, 2017

This issue was absolute perfection. The writing is great and the allred art as always is incredible. Unfortunately this is the penultimate issue to the series but it is looking to be an great ending to an absolutely fantastic series

Spider-Men II #3

Sep 24, 2017

This is by far the best issue of this increadibly lackluster series. The main reason I liked this issue a great deal more than the previous issues is the inclusion of kingpin who is by my favourite marvel villain so i may be a bit bias. Overall I was going to drop this book after last issue but this has made me decide to continue. God dammit Bendis

Spy Seal #1

Aug 20, 2017

This was a great first issue. It was fun and very reminiscent of tintin which is great. The animal characters don't really feel any different to human characters but make a nice change. Looking forward to where this series goes in the future.

Star-Lord (2016) #6

May 28, 2017

Really great issue

Star-Lord (2016) Annual #1

May 28, 2017

Good send-off to zdarsky's great series although it wasn't quite in line with the main series but fun nether the less

Venomverse #1

Sep 11, 2017

As the start of an event I didn't think this issue wasn't as good as it could of been. I think it was on par with the x-23 edge of venomverse issue but not quite as good as the ghost rider one. However the art and Cullen Bunn are enough for me to continue to read this event.

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