Malitia's Profile

Joined: Aug 16, 2019

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Empyre: Road To Empyre: The Kree/Skrull War #1

Mar 25, 2020

This is a recap issue summarizing the stories important for the Empyre event from all of Marvel history (Kree/Skrull war, Mar-Vell, Celestial Madonna stuff, Wiccan and Hulkling from Young Avengers etc.) for that it's awesome, don't expect much more though. But if you aren't particularly interested it's hell of a lot cheaper than getting the relevant trades.

Gwenpool Strikes Back #1

Aug 16, 2019

Well, this was... Worse than I hoped (but probably nothing could live up to the Unbelievable Gwenpool), but better than I expected (seriously, to me it had the most off-putting solicit text ever). What is it like? Without spoilers? Well, if you can imagine the manic and somewhat edgy Howard the Duck backup story crossed with the high meta of the late parts of the Unbelievable Gwenpool you'll probably have a good approximation. This series will really live or die on finding some kind of a balance, because this for 5 issues would be WAY too much.

Gwenpool Strikes Back #2

Sep 11, 2019

I'm not sure if I got used to the pace of it, or it genuinely improved, but I like this issue a lot better.

Gwenpool Strikes Back #3

Oct 9, 2019

Okay. Not lower because I had some good laughs out of it but... Do you remember I felt as I was getting used to the pace of this last month? Nope. It lost me again. I'm sorry. This book only makes me wish the Unbelievable Gwenpool, or even West Coast Avengers, lasted longer.

Gwenpool Strikes Back #4

Nov 22, 2019

Someone should just give this creative team a Deadpool book instead. I don't know if they would be happier that way, but I sure would.

Gwenpool Strikes Back #5

Dec 18, 2019

I dub this: "How to destroy a character in a single issue." EDIT: What I mean, this book is textbook franchise washing. Ie. Let's make her more like the popular character she derives off of and her previous book worked very hard to distance her from (Deadpool), the readers who liked her FOR being different be damned, also let's slot her under the biggest franchise umbrella we can find (mutants; yeah, IRL mutant books are not in any way shape or form an underdog) even if we have to GUT the character and remove her interesting backstory which was a big part of what made her appealing to begin with. I wish this hollowed out husk to go up in the flames it deserves... but realistically it won't. People apparently like soulless heartless shit.

Incoming #1

Dec 26, 2019

It's not bad... But these type of initiative starting one-shot advertisements should be FCBD giveaways or 1$ promotional issues at most... not 10$ overpriced/sized collectors bait.

King Thor #1

Sep 11, 2019

Art is good if you like Esad Ribic's style. On everything else: The Three Faces of Eve...umm... granddaughters of Thor try to find information, while King Thor is fighting 'generic villain #2077'... I mean, "Loki". Thanks to the last page reveal it doesn't even matter, but at least now I've hope Aaron will finally mess up his OWN work for a change. (Is there a chance in my opinion that this could turn out well? Yes. But I don't give it more than 5%. Yes. I think we could have done without this mini.)

King Thor #2

Oct 24, 2019

Art is still good if you like Esad Ribic's style. On the story... Just characters hitting each other and being wildly out of character (if you even buy they're the characters they supposed to be... which I really don't) so Aaron can make a point that never existed. OR Jason Aaron fundamentally misunderstands Loki, but he insists on writing him anyway, and is in the progress of shitting up the best part of his Thor run. (Edit: Also more Freyja apologia. I loath that. She needs punishment not excuses.)

King Thor #3

Nov 23, 2019

Edit: I write this several days after I rated this issue because I needed to calm down. I did previously mention that I find this mini unnecessary, self-congratulatory, and disrespectful. Now we crossed over to sick and wrong. WHATEVER GOOD HAPPENS IN THE AFTERMATH OF EVIL DIDN'T HAPPEN BECAUSE, BUT DESPITE THE EVIL. SO SAID EVIL DESERVES NO CREDIT FOR IT. ESPECIALLY NOT FROM THE PEOPLE THEY WRONGED!

King Thor #4

Dec 18, 2019

If you can't blind them with your brilliance baffle them with bullshit! - The comic book issue. It's not as bad as the last one was... but it's very much a collection of pretty pictures and sentences which look cool / sound profound as long you don't think about them. The second you do however the whole thing falls apart. It wants to have its cake and eat it too like it acknowledges the power and necessity of stories (and with them gods) in one sentence, but restates that Gorr was right in the next... ie. the world would be better without gods, even the concept of them (but they're also stories, sooooo?!). That's pretty much how all of Aaron's run* was to be honest so it's kinda fitting to get a final issue distilling the whole thing. * Which for a great epic about gods and men never actually touched upon religion for some strange reason. AND I am an atheist (post-modern Neo-pagan; ie. I believe in people, and their beliefs are an important part of them), but such idiotic nonsensical presentation of our (un-)beliefs is downright insulting.

Loki (2019) #1

Sep 12, 2019

This is a fun start. Has whimsy and foreshadowing and fun even if the art is wonky at times. It almost washes out the bad taste Aaron's Thor left in my mouth. Almost. Unfortunately it has to start with presenting the (deeply messed up) angle Marvel marketing pushed for months, but that's not the fault of this book or creative team.

Loki (2019) #5

Nov 23, 2019

This series was too good to last. I'll mourn it for a long time.

Spider-Ham (2019) #1

Dec 26, 2019

This was loads of fun. The writer is totally committed to the stupid stupid puns that double as continuity when Spider-Ham is concerned, and I respect the shit out of that!

Spider-Ham (2019) #2

Jan 30, 2020

I still love this series. I can't even really tell you why. Be warned though: If you've a low tolerance to incredibly stupid puns this comic might count as a health hazard and you're better off skipping it.

Spider-Ham (2019) #3

Feb 27, 2020

I might die of pun overdose. HALP!

Thor (2018) #16

Aug 29, 2019

Well, this ending was pretty, inoffensive, so the result is pretty inoffensive.

Thor (2020) #1

Jan 1, 2020

I don't want to give a higher score for a first issue, but this run starts promising... albeit it's funny how some of Aaron's "WILL LAST FOR THE END OF TIME (SIRIUSLY!*)" changes get undone in the span of a single issue (not much of a spoiler, the biggest was literally on the cover). Schadenfreude isn't a nice thing, but I take what I can get. * Typeo intentional / Pun intended

Thor (2020) #3

Feb 14, 2020

It's good. But it's also an issue long fight scene. And why do I have strong feelings of "the road to hell is paved by good intentions" about this story?

Valkyrie: Jane Foster #3

Sep 18, 2019

Art is nice, the idea behind the issue is awesome, the last page unfortunately teases the return of the same old... but I've to ask: Is it in Aaron's contract to shit up continuity for no good reason or does he do it recreationally? I mean, the Angels of Heven have an afterlife. Hel, and later an autonomous part of it they name Elisyum, so they don't have to "create or steal one". (I really expected better from a comic co-written by Al Ewing.)

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