stefanomjr's Profile

Joined: Nov 08, 2019

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Overall Rating

Great second issue. Really enjoyed the poker scene and the moment between Jim and Martha. The pacing around the Batmobile reveal needed some fine tuning. However, the fight scenes were fantastic.

Great read. Hope it holds up to Long Halloween and Dark Victory

Enjoyed the title. Scott is writing another story based on personal fears and worries, but this time those fears are also through the lense of his own children. A modern story that links this young Bruce being shaped by a different type of trauma. Scott is turning the Gotham we know upside down but it still feels relatable as the place we've known over the last 85 years. I didn't know Nick's work at all before this. Scott, in an interview, described the style as a cross between Mazzucchelli and Manga. Nick, in an interview, explained how a trip to Japan heavily influenced his style and designs in this book. I'm enjoying the sequential storytelling and the way the action is broken down into such kinetic energy... those speed lines and camera angles are fabulous! I also enjoyed the way Bruce's reveal twist was handled, not once, but twice. Very cinematic. If there is one critique, it's the colors. The original B&W artwork losses its dynamic kinetic energy when the colors wash over all those glorious speed lines! Book just went into 3rd printing. So far so good

What a wonderful amuse-bouche! The art is spectacular! The story might have some hiccups, with horses on rooftops and Gotham missile defense systems. But I appreciate the writers whimsy and playfulness with the material and Fornes just takes the script and runs with it. Each page is a masterpiece! Nothing half baked here! Seeing lots of reviews giving very low ratings. I thought this was a wonderful issue that breaks up all the heavy courses readers have been served over the course of 80+ issues. Well done

Love the way Sean turns Batman history on its head

Great ideas coming together

Batman: White Knight #2 Nov 8, 2019
Batman: White Knight #3 Nov 8, 2019
Batman: White Knight #4 Nov 8, 2019
Batman: White Knight #5 Nov 8, 2019
Batman: White Knight #6 Nov 8, 2019
Batman: White Knight #8 Nov 8, 2019

Was hooked from the very beginning

The mystery deepens...we learn more about Cordelia, the Order and that bloody book!

What an ending!

Beautiful art. Coipel kills it and Millar keeps the tension high.

Love this series!

Fight like a girl indeed!

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