drackula's Profile

Location: Bratislava, Slovakia Joined: Nov 16, 2019

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #2 Jan 4, 2020
The Visitor (2019) #1 Jan 4, 2020

Is it the best tie-in issue in this event? Probably yes.

I dont like Suicide Squad and Harleen, but i like work of Tom Taylor. And Tom surprised me. It was fun, it was bloody and full of action. In next issues will be new and old characters like a barrel of gunpowder - on a grill party.

It took a while to adapt to art, but it was great issue. Wonder woman is in post-apo world like a concentrated hope and light. She want to save everybody. I'm looking forward to next issue with more information about past and connecton between WW and catastrophy that decimated humankind.

First issue was about Loretta and her family. Second one is about Grandpa Judd. And Grandpa is a bad-ass. I really like Lemire´s storytelling and ability to surprise. Story had action and emotions. It´s very good issue.

Story continues and fragments from both worlds - real-life and folk-tales - are little tighter. I´m enjoyed this issue and cliffhanger surprised me.

So much better than first issue. It has drama, tragedy and good action. End of this issue was expected from moment of announcing this series. I´m glad that i´m not drop this after first issue. I dont have big expectation, but it has potential to be good reading in next issues.

I really love this character and this issue is another good piece of great event.

This issue is slow, but give us good look into history of Stepanovich's revenge. Frank is mostly in background. I'm still curious and that's good.

It was good issue, but without Bond. After good setting of story arrived James, but i didnt need him. Mixed feeling about this. I hope that second issue will be qualitatively the same, but with more of James Bond.

First story was great. Fantastic Four in good old-fashioned story with moral dilemma and scientific questions. Second one was meh. I dont like this team and story was really weak.

This issue has everything you want from Hellblazer. It has dark atmosphere, horror moments, humor and sympathetic main character. But story was really slow and i miss something and i dont know what is it. Its great start and maybe i will find bigger joy in this series in next issues.

Negative zone is in a problems and i like it. It has good drive and so much action. Annihilus is a dick, but he is great for this kind of story. Very kind suprise.

Oh, this was pure chaos. It´s not a regular comic issue. I´ts like a series of ads without context. I like 2099 and i will probably read next one-shots, but for someone new it must be so confusing.

Like some What if? story ok, but like a part of new 2099 universe no. Ending was shocking, but it didnt save this issue. After bad Alpha 2099 another disappointment.

This story is a love-letter to classic comic books. Simple story, but with strong message. Combination of Kirby and Spielberg style is great.

I really like this first issue. You know from beginning that something evil is in the air, but nothing prepares you to shock at the end of the issue. Except for supernatural threat, there is still horor of everyday life in dysfunctional family.

I saw many enthusiastic reviews and i´m glad, that i must agree with them. Very interesting start and good basics to another issues. I´am definitely in. I want to know who are folklords.

Big Hero 6 (2008) #1 Nov 17, 2019

This was really fun. Two simple stories with good jokes and situational humor. I had only one problem. Lettering in first story - where was comics in comics - was hard to read.

Jeff Lemire put ordinary family to very bizarre situation. And it works. Family is very symphatethic and i'm looking forward to continuig their story. Art is decent and ideal for this kind of really slow start of end of the world.

Beautiful art but very weak script. Start was great. I really enjoyed horror sequences, that reminded me first issue of Immortal Hulk. But then story continues with very chaotic and boring scenes. Twists were without surprise and they followed classic template. Very wasted potential.

Story is quite simple and predictable. Somebody's doing Punisher's job and Frank want to know who. Punisher is more in position of investigator than classic killing maschine. It's good basic for later unevitable clash of Frank and mystery killer. I like action sequences, but Punisher is brutal in dialog too. Looking forward for next issue.

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