RhubarbSaber's Profile

Joined: Dec 16, 2019

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Batman (2016) #88  
Batman (2016): Pennyworth R.I.P. #1

Feb 15, 2020

Tomasi & Tynion are left to clean up Tom King's disaster of a run, here and in the current continuing titles of "Batman" and "Detective". That's about it. Oh and Barbara Gordon was unnecessarily angry here.

Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #8

Dec 30, 2019

I signed up for Batman & the Outsiders for two reasons, first because I want to see Duke Thomas as the Signal stick as a character in the universe (he's day Batman!). He has heart and has peaked my interest ever since All Star Batman. It's refreshing to see writers create a character with a good back story, a cool skill set, and let them stand on their own. There was no virtue signaling, no ramrodding him down our throats. He's the type of character you want to root for out of the gate. And that dynamic coupled with Katana finally being given a worthy role was enough for me to say yes to the series. There was also the promise of "BATMAN & the Outsiders" becoming "The OUTSIDERS" one day. Ton's of potential here (swords, lightning, strong and like-able characters). And yet I fear for the comic. Duke's role is confusing, poorly written, and like the girl they've been trying to save, frustrating. They are too easily duped. It's just not believable or necessary. Batman doesn't bring on individuals with wishy washy allegiances. So again it doesn't make sense. Duke can find himself without having to play the buffoon. And maybe this is just a lazy plot mechanic, but either way not fair to the characters or the readers. Oh and if Kaliber and the forgettable character the Outsiders are trying to protect (I really can't recall her name) are to eventually round out the group, no thanks. You're $32.00 into a run that is teetering on my putting $3.99 elsewhere.

Batman's Grave #5

Feb 13, 2020

It's official, i'm dropping this book. Or as Glenn from Comic Book Palace on Youtube would say, "firing it". Why? Because the issues 1-4 had little to no writing. And i get that sometimes less is more, but not with this book. And then here in issue 5 the dialogue is poor and stilted. The antagonist group "Scorn Army" is lame, generic, and forgettable. Are we really to believe Batman doesn't see all the thugs with similar scars? It of been one thing for him to have gone along to see what reveals itself. But for him to be caught off guard and then explain classic tropes to Gordon? Was this supposed to be an homage issue? Anyhow, save yourself the remaining 7 issues and spend that $28.00 elsewhere, jumping off point is now. Actually 3 comics ago...

Detective Comics (2016) #1018  
Flash (2016) #85

Jan 2, 2020

Enjoying the overall arc and like the internal conflict of the Rogues, I just wish the dialogue was better and not so stilted. That and Captain Cold going bare chested was just, dumb. So dumb.

Flash (2016) #86

Jan 18, 2020

Flash (2016) #750

Mar 18, 2020

Unlike many of the recent 80 page giants that have come out of DC, this one had heart, wasn't disjointed, felt special, and was NOT a money grab. I wish the 1,000th issue of Detective Comics would have been like this, though #999 was great. You won't regret picking this up.

Justice League (2018) #40

Feb 8, 2020

All of the dialogue between JL members seemed forced and stilted. No natural flow which is disappointing. Cliche filled. I waited for Snyder's run to end, and now on the fence as to whether i'll jump on and stay. Taking orders? Bendis and King still have a ripple effect with their lame events.

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