HulkSmash69's Profile

Location: Anchorage , Alaska , Canada Joined: Jul 11, 2020

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Overall Rating

Just feels like there are too many high reviews...

Strange Adventures (2020) #1 Apr 8, 2021
Strange Adventures (2020) #2 Apr 8, 2021
Strange Adventures (2020) #3 Apr 8, 2021
Strange Adventures (2020) #4 Apr 8, 2021
Strange Adventures (2020) #5 Apr 8, 2021
Strange Adventures (2020) #6 Apr 8, 2021
Strange Adventures (2020) #7 Apr 8, 2021
Strange Adventures (2020) #8 Apr 8, 2021
Strange Adventures (2020) #9 Apr 8, 2021

This was one of my least favorite issues of the entire year. Detective Grammar, I mean flash, solving the mystery of possessives made me close the book; truly awful stuff.

Just picked this series up on finish line story arc, shit kinda sucks...

The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive (2006) #4 Jan 6, 2025
The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive (2006) #2 Jan 6, 2025

Pretty pictures keeping me on board.

Anyone else notice the Maestro's new haircut at the end?

The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive (2006) #3 Jan 6, 2025

Just started reading at 25 and I'm loving the forever gate so far and the interaction between the fantastic family. Only complaint is that I'm not digging Slott's writing for the Thing; I get he has an accent, but he sounds like a mobster from the roaring 20s.

Good issue; it more or less just sheds light on what the leader's been up to.

Admittedly did not enjoy the art at first, the characters looked like cheap clay, but it grew on me; not to mention it complemented the tone of the entire issue. AND THAT ENDING. I also loved how painfully ironic it was that Bruce saw Betty as a monster considering the context of their relationship. However, I see this as an interesting character flaw rather than a poor story telling decision.

Writing has been incredible so far; Constantine's 'out there' solutions to various problems have been really entertaining. Only real complaint is that I do not like Bergara's art style as much. The designs of Constantine's face/hair felt off-putting.

My man Zatara out here with the worst acid reflux

Interesting premise. I believe this is the only series in which Bart Allen has taken up the Flash mantle.

Black "Almost John Wick" Widow

I don’t know what’s going on but I love it. Art/layout of this book is awesome.

Pray for my boy.

Not much action this issue. Although I loved the hippy mage Tommy Willowtree.

Immortal Hulk #33 Jul 29, 2020

The demon trapped in a smart phone coping with a porn addiction is enough reason to love this book.

"Had a thing with a death bloke in the nineties."

Definitely my favorite issue of the series so far. Also pumped that Campbell is back doing art for this book; the art once again meshes so well with Spurriers story. Here's to hoping they work together for the majority of this series!

Really loving the one off story lines so far as Constantine tries to solve the larger problem at hand, although I could see this extending for one more issue. My only complaint is that I am all caught up now :(

This story arc was my favorite of an already amazing run so far. The one series I'm following so far that the wait between issues is painful.


John Constantine: Hellblazer #12 Nov 30, 2020
The Kill Lock #1 Nov 30, 2020
The Kill Lock #2 Nov 30, 2020
The Kill Lock #3 Nov 30, 2020
The Kill Lock #4 Nov 30, 2020
The Kill Lock #5 Nov 30, 2020

This has been one of my favorite comic book series of the year. The ending was satisfying while also setting up a lot of interesting future plot points. Praying to god Ramondelli brings this series back SOON.

The artwork in the first couple panels is really cool. Also think what is essentially super saiyan Thor here will set up some exciting panels. Hate how expensive it is to jump in on this series, but it does have me super pumped for this series.

We all knew Black Winter was a snowflake!

Reviews for the Week of...



