There are many assassins in the known universe. This is the story of the most well-mannered one.
"Manner is personality-the outward manifestation of one's innate character and attitude toward death."
Decorum #2 is a comic made by a group of brilliant creative minds all at the top of their game. To not read this is to miss out on one of the best comics out right now. Abandon whatever you are doing while reading this so you can go out and buy it. Read Full Review
Decorum #2 escalates every expectation I had about the series. What had been intriguing beforehand has now become one of my favorite comics that fascinates me as both a reader and a critic. From a storytelling perspective, it is an ambitious as hell story. From a technical perspective, I haven't seen anything quite like it before. It's hard to find something new under the sun, but I guess Hickman found a way around that by reinventing the sun. Read Full Review
Believe it or not, there is a way to make comic books confusing and enjoyable because of it. The trick is to offer an easily understandable path for the characters, but then obscure the details and periphery. That's what's going on here in Decorum #2. There's plenty of questions that still need answers, and there's a lot of little things about the universe that don't make a ton of sense, but the story that is pushing the characters' actions is solid enough to ground yourself in. Read Full Review
Decorum #2 is an artistic tour de force while Jonathan Hickman continues to weave his intriguing, mysterious tale. Read Full Review
On the art side, Mike Huddleston absolutely slays. The variation in visual style he employs is as impressive as it is breathtaking. Those that may be turned off by the complexity of the story will still find Decorum #2 a worthy read for the artwork alone. Read Full Review
Considering that Im reviewing these books almost a year after publication at least some of these questions probably have answers. But I wont spoil it for myself. Id rather let the story unfold the way its creators intended. All indications are pointing to a rewarding read. I look forward to Decorum #3. Read Full Review
Image's Decorum 2 feels like a mashup of so many fantastic sci fi entries. I felt hints of Heavy Metal, MTv's Liquid Television and the Fifth Element as I read through this book. Decorum delivers a universal creation story, with varying art styles told from different perspectives. It will be amazing to see how the inner story of Mrs. Morley and Neha impact the larger story of the Sisters and Ro Chi's master. Read Full Review
It's a bit difficult to follow if you're not used to Hickman's unique writing style and philosophy, but the artwork and worldbuilding are fascinating and wonderful to behold. Read Full Review
I like what the creative team is doing and I love art. It's a bit early to judge this work though, as what it's even about is still coming into focus. Read Full Review
The ideas, characters, and narrative being explored is unfurling at such a slow pace that it might be best not to worry about it until a collection appears. Read Full Review