Too dumb* See what I mean??
There are many assassins in the known universe, this is the story of the most well-mannered one. "Good manners is just being respectful of others. Whether they have a bounty or not, you should show respect for all people."
I dont know what the events of issue #4 of Decorum mean going forward. Im still not sure what the Celestial Mothers or the Church of the Singularity have to do with Imogen and Neha. I do feel like a threshold has been crossed and the events of this issue will have serious repercussions even if those repercussions arent revealed for a long time. Decorum is nothing if not consistently mysterious. Read Full Review
This book is a prime example of the artists talents. Thought and care went into this issue, and the creative team shines. Once again, this story is wildly complex; but theres a lot to love about this book. The low price-point and hefty page count are also a delightful Read Full Review
For today Decorum #4 is a visual delight that suggests readers return when #5 is released because Decorum is clearly designed to be read as a whole, but readers are left with only pieces to read for now. Read Full Review
Visual storytelling at the highest level. Don't be surprised if Huddleston walks away with an Eisner next year.
Not a clue what's going on. Birth of some Messiah? I dunno. But it was freaking gorgeous and I think I loved it.
While last issue was exposition heavy, this issue went the other way with it. The assassins aren't even in this issue. This whole thing was just moving the other plot line forward. I assume the two will combine soon enough, but for now they seem pretty disparate. Despite that though, the art is amazing and the story is interesting. I want to see where it goes.
Pretty pictures keeping me on board.
The art is really cool and wild and I love it but I’m only here for assassin boarding school so...
I’m honestly starting to think I am to dumb for this series. Is anybody else lost? I think I’m enjoying it, because I feel like it’s going to make sense eventually. I don’t know.