Hunter T. Patrick's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Bastards Reviews: 34
7.2Avg. Review Rating

As good as it is, there is still room for improvement, but it is on the right track. Super Sons #16 may have seemed an ending, but Adventure of the Super Sons proves that ending was just the beginning.

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Justice League Dark is not the perfect start to a series and already stopped the series from being perfect in terms of writing. Luckily it is the art that makes for all the faults worth it, at least until everything builds up to what could be a long-awaited peak for the series. It is surely going to be a series that DC will push strongly for the future and will make previous Justice League Dark fans happy of its return. If you like pretty things buy this book, if you do not get comics for the art, or for Wonder Woman, Justice League teams, or any magical based character then this book is a skip. The art, however, is a must to look at.

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It seems as if this story arc seems as if a new reader can come in without any trouble. Feel free to start here or get the first two trades to read before continuing. You are in for a treat with this arc, just going off of the strengths of the others. Having a new start is great for later issues to have these characters (if they grow stronger). The last 12 issues are not ignored, and the flow is strong and makes sure this does not stop the progress this series makes. Be sure to follow this series if not picked up before. It may not be one of Image's all-time classics, but the series has always been promising more.

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The first trade has been released with the first four issues included. Get that or try to find issues 1-4 if you can find them. Issue 5 is stand-alone, but the series is too good not to collect and follow. The series has so much merit and deserves to be a much own, at least thus far. It is with great hope the series continues this trend, with five issues in a row being a home run being a very hard feat to accomplish. Horror is a hard genre in any field to succeed with. This is the case that not only is it above average but well above average. The art helps greatly that is unexpected. It is creepy how great this is.

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This is a good start to a series. It is more compelling than other first issues on stands. A big complaint is reading without ever learning any background or any promise of why things are the way they are or if it is just a world that has always been this haunted, but that is a complaint that should only be a complaint if the series never fixes it, being the first issue, it is excused for that. This is not a work that will appeal to everyone, but for those that are looking for a fun, dark ride, then they will be pleased.

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This title continues to be a strong delight. Plastic Man deserves more recognition, more than just simply being on the Terrifics. The creative team, thus far, have been doing a beautiful job with the character. They not only capture the unique movement and positioning of the character but also who is a character is at his core. He is not Batman, nor is he Superman. He is his own, very flawed hero. He cannot always win, but in his own way, he will keep trying. He is one of the most relatable heroes, despite not appearing as such. Instincts will have us run away, not run towards. He is the hero of the people, and this is the title for him. Recommendation: very much so if looking for fun, heart, and great character.

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First issues either excel strongly, making it impossible not to follow, fail miserably, making it impossible to follow, or show some potential but was decent. This falls closest to the latter. This issue serves as a lead-in, not a wonderful one-off. As the series progresses it may easily become such a rewarding issue, but it is too soon to tell.

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Despite the overdone story, Catwoman may have just found the perfect title for her.

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This issue does not need any background reading before. Jumping into the story it quickly becomes apparent what came before. If a big Rocko fan or wanting to try to seem hip with friends like a true 90s kid, then go get this book. Make yourself happy and make BOOM! Studios happy (plus comic shops). As stated in some reviews for other books, this is not a book just to buy this issue, maybe instead read it somewhere else, legally, or buy the trade when it comes out. It is great this book is being made but not great enough for this book to be a hit. Go and buy the trade. It is great for Rocko readers, just not for the everyday comic readers to go out of their way for.

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This crossover left much to be desired for a strong intro. The Archie part felt stronger, but still not that strong. Once the two worlds collide then how things will develop will be more evident, but just for a first issue, it was not a strong Archie, nor a strong Batman '66 comic on its own. There is hope in the later issues, but in the first, it was not as much of a dud as it was just average. There is so much potential, and it felt like 'well this is a good idea, let's just do it without much effort as the premise writes itself.' No, the premise does not write itself.

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As a stand-alone comic, it is not enough to satisfy for a special, despite being stand alone. It is good and shows promise for the future. Let's hope the future being built up truly is good.

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Take it or leave it, but you should most defiantly take this book. It may go one to be a classic for an underappreciated character.

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If you are interested in seeing Nightwing, Raven, Beast Boy, Donna Troy, Steel, and/or Miss Martian then this book is for you. Start here. This is a worthy book for New Justice and an even worthier book for newsstands. Titans are underdogs, as is this book. They might be in the mainstream comic market, but the underdog nonetheless. This is why people love the underdog.

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This story is such a delight. It is what is needed for this time and to give hope for people in similar situations. The themes are timeless, and the book is so close to being timeless as well, though of course, one can never tell until much time has passed.

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Doctor Who fans might want to get this comic just for the name on it, but with a whole other world of comics for their fandom out, this is one that requires a skip.

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Read the primary after and you should forget the backup and the comic will be much more enjoyable and high, just as it should be.

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Rugrats #8 is a very fun ride and it is one that Rugrats fans should love.

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Archie Horror has some of, if not the best horror comics I have ever read, and Vampironica is on there.

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If you are trying to escape your Mondays, then I have the sad news to tell you this is the Monday of Garfield comics. Go buy and enjoy some lasagna instead. That's what Garfield would do so you know that is the right thing to do on that Monday.

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Nothing changes in this grand story, it begins and ends the same. This issue highlights how Harley does love the Joker, and the title itself is one of the most relatable, and so very tragic thing about Harley Quinn.

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The plotting is overcrowded, and the art luckily is not. The artwork has all the characters and scene complimenting one another and shows many beautiful scenes. Even the quiet Green Arrow and Waller conversation is a sight to behold. The comic would easily get a 3/5 if anyone else did the art, but this art gives the comic a 4/5.

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Each issue gets better and better with the artwork, and if this keeps up, then the finale will be one of the comic's most beautiful issues ever. Let's hope this issue's story was just necessary filler.

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This comic has a lot of things to offer, and hopefully, the series will offer more background that I want for later. This is the making of a wonderful bedtime story to tell whatever adult you tuck in at night.

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On a single issue format, it is a skip but is a good average comic on stands. There has never been a bad issue but none that have blown everything off the stands, this is the perfect continuation of it and we can only hope the next issue culminates everything in a wonderful fashion and what comes next is also as good as looking at this run overall.

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Whatever Flash War brings, it seems to be bringing a lot of change for the title that seemed to have a huge culmination in the last arc. If you are a fan of The Flash, any era, then you need to jump on and read this (and all the other Road to Flash War issues).

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Get this comic. Artwork for each story if phenomenal and it presents so much going on that will make you want more from each story. If there is ever a Tom King one-off story that is when you know the comic is worth it. So much great offerings coming from DC and this comic show some great stuff coming, sacrificing some great stuff in here. Don't worry though, this comic would be well worth the standard 3.99-dollar price. Being 25 cents is well worth it.

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The writing is fun and playful. It is full on Paul Dini Harley.

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Dorothy is shown to be a badass as one has always hoped to see her. It is nice to see her being as strong and powerful as she is. The comic was full of diversity with other races in Oz which is great. Maybe because as I came into this just seeing covers of sexy girls, I got a strong sense of stereotypical gender roles. Oz is a fantasy world and I would love if that is a topic covered in previous tales with Dorothy being the leader and antagonists all seeming to be women. This comic does make me want to read the past stories, especially for the art. It makes me want to but does not make me need to. I have no intention any time soon as this did not impress me enough to stand out from other comics. It has potential and a world of stories but as the comic blatantly told me that most every story they tell is the same with few differences. One can say that for any series and that was something I was impressed with, I just fail to see why I now need to read more.

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This might not be the best or one of the best Sex Criminals issues, but it is Sex Criminals, a name in comics that deserves all the praise it gets.

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This is comics, and there are several lead-ins to various other lead-ins. That's fine, but this is all this issue is. If it was a chessboard, it is just moving pawns up a spot or two. Luckily the later the issue goes we see a tiny bit more stuff happen, inevitable stuff, but still really glad for it too.

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This issue 12 felt like an issue 30 or even 50 if we think about everything that has happened. We are blessed with so much story all in one. On the day I am writing this it is 90 days until issue 13 comes out. As long as that sounds it is worth it if it means this series can get the audience it deserves. This is a review for issue 12, so not only should you get issue 12, but 1-11 if you can find them. If each comic published is of this quality, then comic shops will become the new movie theaters. This heartbreaking issue continues to be a classic in the making.

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You do not need to have read the first three issues for any context for the primary story in this issue, but for the overall book, it will help. This should not only be made for horror fans but also people wanting a strong story about humans and our fears over loss.

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**Reviewers note note, That would have been much funnier without that note, but also we needed an explanation as it came out of nowhere and was not that puny. Do not worry though, the comic has much more creative language, somewhat, then this horrible example. Like the comic, I tried.

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The writing was strong and the story itself felt too disconnected, but it is one that needs that. This is a story needed for our time.

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