Kat's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Nerd Initiative Reviews: 5
10Avg. Review Rating

This is the perfect way to pick up from where Issue #1 left off. Seeing how much the girls' dynamic has changed mixed with seeing them on the Fearleading squad was the right way to follow up last issue.

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This special shows that the Monster High comics from IDW continue to be incredible. The writing and the art continues to show why this is one of IDW's best comics of this year.

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Dynamite has put together a team that knows how to make a really good Powerpuff Girls comic book. And they also understand the characters and world of the show so well.

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This is one of my favorite Halloween issues of this year. The blending of both different art styles and easter eggs from all different horror movies was the perfect way to go.

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I am convinced that this comic will continue to be amazing as the issues continue. It will be interesting to see if Jessica Jones reappears for more adventures with Gwen.

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