MikeFitz538's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Nerds On The Rocks Reviews: 50
8.1Avg. Review Rating

To start, I want to put it out there that I am a huge fan of both Hickman and Spencer. I also loved Caselli's art & have since I've first encountered it on Secret Warriors. However, I'm getting really tired of this book in many ways.

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This is an odd issue -seeing the Avengers with the Galactic Council mounting their rescue for Earth as it seems it's more of an opportunity for Hickman to hit on characters and character moments that got cut from chapters before. We get a little romance, a Asgardian pep talk and a Thanos minion who, we know will continue failing his master. Not bad, but a very blah issue.

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Unfortunately, this has been a let down of a side arc in the Sons of Serpent story line. It seems that this was just a reason for Waid & Samnee DareDEVIl to meet up with the League of Monsters

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Which brings us to Land's art. While I agree with many issues with his art, I will say that this was one of his better issues. Certainly, the photo realism still exists, I do feel that it was less prevalent and it had more actions and less of his usual awkward and sexualized poses for his female (though Spectrum did have a few poses that were closes). I do like Spectrum's new costume and am glad we got away from the costume, overall glad to see her in a Marvel comic, as being one of Marvel's best characters.

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A good end to the first arc, and really, a reason for most of the members of the cast. Here, Blue Marvel, White Tiger, Power Man and Spider-Hero/Ronin/Blade all prove their worth and value. Land's art is ok and I do like the idea of a Spectrum & cage run Avengers teams. However, I'm not sure if it is quite the team dynamic that I would want to fully commit to the book.

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I picked this issue up due to its tie in with Zero Year and it was a welcome surprise. We have a nice bit of character development for Jason, his new backstory in the New 52, and a little taste of Jason's connection with Talia, as well as the League's war with the other group of assassins.

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After a decent amount of issues by Yu for the Avengers tie-ins for Infinity, this issue his art starts to get more scratchy than normal but his color artists really help him pull it together.

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St. Aubin does a good job, and I especially liked how he pulled off the scene between Manta and Ocean Master- two Aquaman villains that the New 52 have made more human, and thus more tragic in their villainy.

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To start, this is about the cleanest Yu's art has been in my recent memory. And I enjoyed that this issue shows the rescue of the captured Avengers, as well as the drama of the Galactic Council. Which brings me to my pet peeve – I hate it when a writer introduces a new character or characters that during their story, turns out to be the hero needed to save the day or the secret villain. It's a reason why I hate Hush so much – never heard of before childhood friend of Bruce turns out to be the villain. And in this issue, I feel that Hickman seems to be laying the path for the same with the Ex Nihili and Abyss. My hope is that the story line does not turn that way, but I am very wary. Overall, a good issue, with a very dramatic ending.

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The ending is a good one, but ever since the mystery of the Bullseye plot line has been resolved, I've felt that Daredevil has been good but not great. I hope DD's interaction with the League of Monsters changes that.

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As for Finch, there isn't much to say that hasn't already been said. It's not my favorite art, and I think many times, its downright unlikeable. I much prefer the way Reis portrayed the characters, especially Johnny Quick.

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Not a bad first issue for this mini, especially since it just recently changed writing hands between Kindt to Gates (though from scheduling issues more than anything) and with three artists. Wisely, it seems that Pina takes the majority of the flashbacks, which gives us Diana's 1st costume, and the creation of A.R.G.U.S. while Tan and Edwards seems to give us Trevor in modern day: being saved from the fate of the Leagues, catching up on the events of Forever Evil and trying to save the President. It is a good first issue, though at the same time, Trevor has never been the most interesting and the plot seems so action intense, that it leaves little time for character moments.

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This struck me as an odd issue – after the buildup of the Architects and their robotic Alephs, it seems that once their Ex Nihili abandoned them, their fleet destroyed and Captain Universe killing many of their leaders, the Alephs seemed to be dispatched easily. We get the set up of the Avengers universe and we also get a spotlight on the Illuminati trying to track down Thanos' pillaging of their secret plans as well as the introduction of his son Thane, an Inhuman Eternal. A good issue but it seems flat, especially it seemed after the previous issues of Avengers and New Avengers seemed to leave the Alephs on a rampage and a possible understandable reason behind the Architects plan. The art, of course, is fantastic and Hickman certainly nails all the characters, but that has been consistent through the entire mini.

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Mostly this issue is a explanation of some of what's been going on with the Society of Super-Villains (whom seem to be a small group at this moment) but still leaves many questions for the Trinity War and Forever Evil.

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Land's art, again, does not distract like it has on other books that he has done. He still has his flaws, but in no way does it take away from the story or my want to give this first arc a try. I do wonder how this fits into the overall Infinity since the two members of the Thanos' Black Order have been seen doing other things and having a different relationship to Thanos than is seen here.

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Another solid issue by Higgins. Again, Nightwing fans are waiting for the fallout of Forever Evil in his solo title, but it was nice to see a pre-Robin Dick Grayson, in Gotham during one of its worst hours. We get a arrogant Dick Grayson, a realistic John and Mary Grayson, two characters who we know will become villains but are portrayed well as regular teenagers and a nice surprise to see a connection between Grayson and the Maronis – who would seem to have a different history in the New 52 than before and will be interesting to see in the book going future.

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While I enjoyed Ross' art on this book, Guice brings a great look to such a espionage/political comic. His ‘gritty' style is very different from Ross but appropriate and helps bring a certain uniqueness from the other Avengers books out there.

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My one big problem with this book is that while I like Guice and Ross separately, I feel that its becoming jarring for fans of the book when going back and forth between the two. I'd rather that Marvel would split them for arcs instead of different issues of the same arc. Spencer is crafting a great book here- we have a classic AIM vs. SHIELD fight, but we have a new spin – AIM has gathered itself public and political capital along with a cast of meta human operatives who are dangerous in their own right, as well as an internal civil war between Maria Hill and Daisy Johnson. This feels the end of the first season-ish – the players seem finally set, for the next larger arc/chapter to begin.

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This is Spencer's last arc before Kot takes on the responsibilities. I hope that he follows the same vein and the same feel that Spencer has set up. This book has become a nice continuation of the espionage feeling that started with Secret Warriors. With this arc it seems we get a conclusion of what Hickman and Spencer has been building with A.I.M. in the FF & Avengers books, as well as exactly how Mockingbird would do in deep cover and the answer to many fan's question of where A.I.M.'s most well known member/leader has been. It's a good start to what I hope is a great final arc for Spencer on the book.

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This would ordinarily be a exciting and cool crossover but with the added element of the Otto/Peter situation it's a fun twist.

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Remender is using furthering the plot lines that he already developed in his run on Uncanny X-Force but in a much grander scale. The team has been divided, not just by space but by their own personal histories and philosophies: and we get a pitch for segregation to one specific character but in fact the entire world.

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I really enjoy this book and the overall direction, to me, reminds me of Remender's work on Uncanny Avengers. I also really like the characters on the roster and enjoy the villains as well. I do feel that the changes in art, overall, have been a bit jarring. Going from Acuna to Larocca is very jarring, just based on their different styles. And while I like both, I had gotten used to Acuna's very colorful and unique art for this book, and moving to a more ‘realistic' style is…unsettling. I will see that I enjoyed this issue, and the implications for Marvel Universe that I hope will be felt post-Infinity.

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This issue was solid, with nice bonding between Havok, Wasp and Cap, and to see Havok leading due to Cap's understandable injury.

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As for Yu's art, it remains serviceable. His Builders are frighteningly great, but other scenes, such as Avengers in chains or helping out those hurt by the fight come off as scratchy and, at best, ok.

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Simone has done a great job on the book and we can see how it's building with the coming conflict of Commissioner Gordon and Knightfall. We also get that she is really putting Babs through the ringer, a trial of fire, to really see if she is worthy of the Batgirl title. In some ways, this is a way of proving to Steph Brown and Cass Cain fans, why Babs is worthy of the title. Pasarin did a great job with the book, able to portray all the action and characters but also portray the emotions that are so raw in this issue.

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Finch's art is, at best, serviceable. After coming off a crossover with Reis, Manke and Janin, Finch's art is such a let down. As long as it stays at this level, I think it won't take away in any large way from Forever Evil. I also hope, as I do with all events, that issue one is set-up and we are off to the races with issue 2. Johns has done this before with events and I hope he repeats it. This has the ability to be a really good event, but time will tell.

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Another solid issue by this team. While it certainly was a little stretched to fit in with Zero Year, I'm glad that Lemire was able to tie it in a way that makes sense. It also makes sense to bring in Moira and Dig from Arrow and it seems that Lemire has a definite plan (especially as seen in the back-ups). It was also nice to show that Oliver has his own secrets about the island, not just what has been ‘revealed' that dealt with his father. I also like Lemire's take on Killer Moth and enjoy seeing a more ‘classic' version of Ollie in this issue.

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After a brief respite where we finally got some facial hair for Ollie in the New 52, we get back to Lemire's main story with the Outsiders which brings Ollie back to the island. It's very smart for Lemire to focus on the island since its such a big part of Arrow itself. And with that Zero Year issue last month, Lemire gave us not only Moira and Dig from Arrow, but also gave us a mystery in itself during Ollie's time on the island that seems to have nothing to do the current Outsider storyline. I'm also interested to see what Lemire has in mind with these New 52 Outsiders – a concept that seems to be a League of Assassins type group for Ollie but almost makes more sense for him as an archer and that Lemire's tied to his family and to other C & D list DC characters like John Butcher. This was a good first chapter to what I hope is a fantastic arc.

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Still, great story and great art. I hope Francavilla stays as an alternate artists for this book, especially for characters issues like this.

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First let me say that a event book with a 1st issue this hefty in pages is impressive. I also appreciate that by the end of the 1st issue, events are unfolding and not the 4-5 issues of recap that Marvel has done with their event books in the past. Also, Cheung's art is beautiful and I'm confident that Opena and Weaver will be great. And while I was slightly disappointed that they used the entire of the FCBD comic as part of the book, it is a beautiful book that certainly set the next 5 issues to be all about the action in space and Earth.

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Another great issue by Hickman, only accentuated by the different artists for the two different plots.

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The only real fault with this issue is that it relies more than any of the previous tie in issues, this issue of Infinity relies heavily on New Avengers #10. Besides that, Hickman truly balances the two storylines perfectly. It's of note, that Earth storyline has become more about Thanos and the Inhumans, with passing notes of the storylines playing out in Thunderbolts, Mighty and New Avengers. I think it's been interesting to see Cap elevation as the leader we all know him to be amongst the Galactic leaders. It's also nice to see some role reversals – the Skrulls and Brood are good guys here, while the Kree fall and the Spartax flee. The art is superb and I think getting two great artists like Opena and Weaver, and assigning them to draw the different storylines is also a great move for the book.

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Unlike the Marvel tie-in issues, Kindt seems to be setting up an added bonus for readers " some information about the League but what seems to a story focusing on Manunter and Stargirl who are sorely underdeveloped in the New 52. Mahnke, as always, does a great job on art, especially showing our heroes worst nightmares prisons.

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To start, I truly miss Booth's art on this book. However, I'm glad that Conrad has the job as I think his art is good and that Booth's small additions to Nightwing's costume have stayed. In some ways, it is odd to have an arc that obviously ends before Forever Evil #1 considering what happened to Nightwing in that arc. However, the Chicago arc has really set Nightwing in a very different light than we've seen in a while. He isn't tied to Gotham, we have a real city that has a new history in the New 52 DC Universe and we have some closure on Zucco as well as a new and improved Prankster.

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Another great issue by this team. I think Secret Avengers is one of the more underrated books at Marvel right now, mainly because it meshes a spy/espionage genre with political drama, a little humor and superheroes.

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I also want to say that I am happy Ross is back. Guice is great, but Ross brings a cleanness to this book that is great for the reader, but also sets the dirtiness of SHIELD and AIM into the light of the reader.

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I haven't picked up Suicide Squad in a while and thought I heard good things about Kot's run, I really enjoyed this issue by Kindt. We basically have two Squads facing off for a very large prize. The actual squad being run by a Amanda Waller who is confined to Belle Reve while an alternate, hero Squad is being manipulated by Crime Syndicate's new agent – the Thinker and his bodyguard, Kind Shark. We also have a wildcard, in the form of James Gordon Jr. running around, which to me seems like a natural Suicide Squad tale. This seems to perfectly set inside Forever Evil and I would love to see some of the heroic Squaders stick around post Forever Evil or stay with Kindt to his next DC book. As usual, Zircher is stellar and his tone fits the dark theme of the book.

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I know I might be in the minority here, but I really feel that Jim Lee might be the wrong artist for this book. It's not that his art isn't good, and frankly this book is fantastic. It's just that I'm not sure he's the best artist for this book. But besides my issues with the art, this is a great book.

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It's a very good and very unique comic which this issue is a great example of. This issue weaves together the status that the team was left in at the end of the 1st arc, but also weaves it together with a really cool issue 6 that saw a team up of former X-Men Prodigy and Young Avengers Speed.

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Great first issue. I liked the idea of Firestar being one of our point of view characters and Aaron really nails Nightcrlawer and sets up the Azael character as the natural enemy since Kurt's in Heaven. The art is great, though we all know it'll probably only be for an arc. I am also happy to see Northstar, since I hope that after the 1st arc, we get Nightcrawler led super-hero team with Firestar and Northstar as the main body of the team. I do hope Aaron branches out and gives a roster that isn't being seen in other X-Men books.

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If Gail Simone ever decides to leave Batgirl, I know who should be the next writer. Bennett provides a fantastic issue that portrays a fantastic look at the pre-Batgirl teenage Barbra Gordon. Smart and capable, caring and loving, quick tempered and impulsive – with the New 52 history it allows Bennett to craft a teenager who will easily grow up to be a hero, but makes mistakes like any teenager. And the blackout and super-storm of Zero Year are unfortunately too real, and Babs, James Jr and company's journey is all too real.

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Scott's art was fantastic and I'm very glad that she'll be staying on the book. I will say that as I read it, I realized that for a book that embraces diversity, the group that faced off against Steppenwolf was very male heavy and I hope Taylor is able to focus on more of the female characters (I think we can now see how Fury might become allies to our heroes) in the next few issues.

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After an amazing issue that both wrapped up their first arc (as well as really the issues since #1) and set up what seems to be a large part of their first run, they dive in to their second arc with a dynamite first issue.

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Frankly, Aja is the start this month (along with Lucky, the pizza dog) and I while I have always admired his art, I think this issue in particular will put him on another level of great comic artists.

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Fantastic issue. While my haul wasn't big this week, Infinity #4 and Batman #24 might have been the best books of the month. I really enjoyed that from the get go – Hickman decides to follow the Thanos/Black Bolt & Inhumanity plot line and Captains America and Marvel with the Galactic Council planning against the Builders. But the real scene stealer is Thor, ‘negotiating' terms of surrender on Hala. And here we have the ‘War' Avengers – while 10 years ago this scene would have been unheard of, today we get a ‘realistic' Captain America and his plan – for Thor kill a Builder and liberate the Kree, rally the Accusers and show the universe that winning is a possibility. I really hope that Hickman delivers in the last two issues, and the tie in issues as well.

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Deodato's art is top notch, as usual. And while I really enjoyed Epting and hope he'll be back, I do appreciate Deodato and think he might be even more fitting for this chapter of New Avengers.

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Deodato also does a great job conveying the intensity and weight of the moments, from the larger action to the smaller moments between characters.

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This book has been fantastic since it's first issue. It's picked up flawlessly from the first two volumes of Young Avengers but taken it in a completely different way.

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Really fantastic issue. Gillen nails it on taking what would be a classic issue/episode before the end of season and turns it on it's head.

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This is a great end to Gillen & McKelvie's run on the this book, tying up almost all the loose ends (except for Speed and the Patriot-ghost-thing) and ties it in heavily with Gillen's previous run on Journey into Mystery. We get a break-up of Hawkeye and Marvel Boy, a getting back together of Wiccan & Hulkling, We also get nice moments for Prodigy and Miss America as well as Loki's secret now semi-public knowledge. We also get to see Billy really truly take after his mother, which should have pretty interesting implications for the future. And while I'm sad to see this run end, I'm even sadder that Marvel can't seem to get a team to take up the reigns after they are done.

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