I agree, Bergara's art is awesome and perfect for this fantasy story.
Someone from Hum's past may be his only hope when Hum is bound, blindfolded and sent into exile on the back of Nag.
The worldbuilding in just two short issues is incredible and Bergara's art matches the world they've built to a T. Read Full Review
Coda #2 is an excellent follow-up to the first installments creative flourish, and it contrasts it in all the right ways. Hum is shown to be vulnerable and capable of failure as opposed to the dashing and clever rogue he appeared to be in the first comic. Plus, Bergara and Doig do a hell of a job on the art. This book comes recommended. Check it out. Read Full Review
Simon Spurrier continues to weave a melancholy tale of magic lost and a world teetering on the edge in Coda #2. Read Full Review
"Coda" #2 expands the cast and complicates the narrative in ways that feel fresh and bringing our protagonist further from his goals in the best of ways. Read Full Review
Coda #2 felt very emotional. Showing us more about a world that has lost it's magic.
Wow!! The art is breathtaking by Matias Bergara! One of my favorite new artist I knew nothing before, and with Spurrier he can write anything and it shows! Issue 2 was just as good if not better to be honest tbsnd..74
This is some super imaginative high fantasy shit right here, folks. Worth the read if you're into that sort of thang. Really good world building and the art and colours are amazing as well. Very well written. Probably one of the best original Boom titles right now.
This continues the strong imaginative start of the first issue. The characters have depth. The world is interesting and slightly twisted. It's a fun ride and I look forward to the next chapter.