Robert takes in the mysterious woman from the lake and opens up to her about his missing daughter... a daughter that would be about the same age as the woman in front of him.
Grass Kings has a lot going for it: great, realistic characters, an interesting setting, mystery and conflict already built in, with more and more being added to it with every new page. And not to mention an excellent creative team. It's a powerful book. It's slow and dark and moody, like any good noir story. I've said this a lot this year, about a lot of the books I review, but I truly believe that this is one of the better comic books coming out right now. Maybe not the best, but pretty goddamn close. Read Full Review
GRASS KINGS #2 is a fascinating visual dive into the emotions boiling under the town's surface. Read Full Review
Its definitely a slow burning start, and as such might not necessarily be to everyones tastes, but Grass Kings has had me hooked from pretty much the very first page. This is very essence of restrained storytelling, with nuanced character development and beautifully unconventional artwork coming together to transport us to a town that, while we may not quite want to live there, we certainly dont mind spending a little time in. Read Full Review
I would suggest you consider placing this book on your pull list. Short on funds? Then consider picking this up when the first Trade Paperback comes out. An overall 4.25 is well worth the read. This ride with Matt and Tyler promises to be a fun mystery style comic that will make you feel like you've just been on a roller coaster, with every issue! Read Full Review
This slow burn of a book is a great read, and even better to look at. As the various interested parties in the Grass Kingdom start to converge, it's buckle your seatbelt time, as this should get very interesting very quick. Read Full Review
Sheriff Cubert of Cargill has decided to stir things up in the Grass Kingdom. We learn more of the pain Robert went through after losing his daughter. With this issue, we now have a sense of the decade this series takes place in. The cliffhanger will leave you shaken up and excited to see the future of Grass Kingdom. There's the perfect blend of crime and mystery to keep me around to see how the Grass Kingdom reacts to this invasion. Read Full Review
Grass Kings #2 sets the story of this series in full motion now that the series set up in issue #1 is done. We get some great character information and it leaves off with a fantastic cliffhanger. Kindt writes great emotional dialogue and has scripted a great family drama/mystery story that grips the reader's mind. Jenkins continues to give the series an almost "melancholy" feel with his art style. This issue of Grass Kings continues the mystery of "The Grass Kingdom", Kindt weaves drama and mystery together in a Twin Peaksesque town. Read Full Review
At times seemingly a more laid back version of Briggs Land, Grass Kings has a lot of potential and has an incredibly unique look. But it's a slow burn with a plot that's only just starting to really unfold into conflict at the very end of it's second issue. Still, it brings me back every month because it's really well written and the amount of exposition and backstory we've gotten makes me want to know just what their building us up for in later issues. Read Full Review