Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers #32

Writer: Marguerite Bennett, Ryan Ferrier Artist: Simone Di Meo, Bachan Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: October 24, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 8
6.8Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

It's morphin time in this powerful next chapter for Tommy Oliver, one of the most iconic Power Rangers in history.
It's been a long time since Tommy Oliver laid down the mantle of the original Green Ranger, and now he leaves protecting the world to Space Patrol Delta.
But when his son goes missing, Tommy will call on all his training, his friends, and maybe even some of his enemies as he sets out on one last mission: find his son and bring him home.
From Kyle Higgins (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Nightwing) and artist Giuseppe Cafaro (Suicide Squad), with special consultant Jason David Frank, the original Green Ranger, comes more

  • 10
    ComicBook.com - Matthew Mueller Oct 24, 2018

    "Beyond the Grid" is taking the Rangers to bold new places, and expanding the universe in ways we didn't know we wanted. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Big Comic Page - Jonathan Mullen Oct 24, 2018

    Despite the fact that this issue still is mostly set up, this is a truly brilliant read. If you care about Power Rangers or just good, character-focused Sci-Fi then you owe it to yourself to pick this one up. Its pretty dark for Power Rangers but it rewards fans with brilliant moments for new and established characters alike. Pick this one up. Its the best Power Ranger related content available right now. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Oct 30, 2018

    A team of Rangers from across time and space, bringing back old favorites and making it all into riveting space adventure. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GWW - D. Ivester Oct 23, 2018

    I can't help but continue to enjoy the art team on this series. We had some changes recently but it still looks great as it has in all of the previous issues. The costumes always look spot on and the coloring just makes everything pop really nicely. This franchise just fits so right in comics. Panels are done creatively in certain sequences like the action panels or the morphing sequence. Even though it's still light-hearted, there's still a lot of weight on these characters and the situations they find themselves in are taken very seriously. The run has mostly been pretty grounded with the fights taken on Earth but now we're finally seeing the space epic that power rangers has also been known for and it's looking to be exciting as the new villain makes his presence known. Read Full Review

  • 5.6
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Anthony Wendel Oct 24, 2018

    The issue still suffers from nailing the new team dynamic thanks mostly to excessive dialogue and average artwork. Read Full Review

  • 4.7
    Comic Watch - Brandon S Oct 27, 2018

    At this point, Im reading out of obligation. This should never be a sentiment your story has on a reader. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Oct 27, 2018

    The new direction is a disaster. It's a bunch of mindless space gobbledegook stuffed down the reader's throat, with a painfully stilted effort to introduce us to only some of the new main cast. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    I Review Comics Jan 16, 2019

    Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #32 continues the "Beyond the Grid" Story spinning out of last years "Shattered grid". Our heroes manage to track down the rogue Ranger (Ellarien or Ari) that stole the power from their ship the last issue. There is a brief confrontation that is broken up the minions of the villain (Praetor). The combined might of the Rangers overwhelm the bad guy's and decide to leave and presumably plot their next move.

    I didn't hate this issue but I didn't enjoy this comic as much as I would have liked to. It probably works better if you have a deeper grasp of Power Ranger's lore than I do. For me, the Rangers have too many disparate plot threads and it appears that the comic is juggling too many characters at on more

  • 5.5
    waltgator93 Oct 25, 2018

    This series needs on one of the first pages, a previously section. Very confusing at times but the art is good. A monthly issue especially an issue that throws all of this stuff at you can get confusing especially if it's something brand new and not used to the information is a hard read, maybe in trade it will look better but as of now, I'd say wait til this story is over and read it all at once

  • 1.5
    Harry Lama Dec 3, 2018

    It seems like nobody wants to say it but the new artist on this book just isn’t cutting it. You can’t tell who anybody is or what’s going on. There’s no logical sequencing at all and the characters all have the same generic, ugly face.

  • 10
    axdn Oct 25, 2018

  • 8.5
    mikesbr42 Oct 24, 2018

  • 7.0
    Julhin Feb 8, 2021

  • 6.0
    ed1138 Jan 1, 2023

  • 1.0
    ComicMan Sep 8, 2020

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