As the Dynamic Duo attempts to solve the mysteries of Memento's recent attacks, Batman begins to fear that his bond with his son and partner is beginning to fracture. Is this simply teenage angst, or is Damian truly pulling away from his father? Meanwhile, Memento emerges from the shadows, and the stone-faced specter of atrocities past makes himself known in the Gotham underworld.
This series has taken a little while to get going, but as Johnson ramps up his core mystery, it feels like it's turning into something special. Read Full Review
Final Thoughts:Batman and Robin #16 is a masterful blend of storytelling and visual artistry. Johnsons script delves into the complexities of father-son dynamics while addressing the psychological toll of heroism, making the characters feel more relatable than ever. Paired with stunning art, evocative colors, and atmospheric lettering, this issue is a must-read for fans of Gothams darkest defenders. Read Full Review
While it took a little bit to fully buy into Phillip Kennedy Johnson's story, Batman & Robin #16 ramps up the intrigue in the mystery. New details about Memento get revealed and Damian deals with the trauma of what being a superhero really means. How will the Dynamic Duo deal with everything that's going on? Now's the time to start really getting invested in the series. Until next time! Read Full Review
Batman and Robin #16 is an entertaining, story building issue that treated us to some emotion, some exposition and some mystery. What more could you want?! Can't wait to see what comes next! Read Full Review
The best monthly Bat title out there. Of course, how could it not be with PKJ at the helm. Simple fun plots that don't try to redefine the characters and emotional underpinnings between characters that strengthen the book.
This is probably the best issue thus far. We get to see Batman be a detective. A person from his past is forced to work with him. We get to see the team enter Arkham and how all of the feels. Damien is still twisted by the death of the little girl. All good stuff. My only critique is that Damien doesn't look like Damien. The art is off. Other than that, I can't wait for this to continue.
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this was really good. The rotating artists didn't bother me and it was smooth.
Really good.