STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Superman and Supergirl attempt to free their city via the Phantom Zone but learn that if they succeed, a terrible fate awaits Supergirl in Crisis on Infinite Earths!
One of the better Convergence stories that has me looking forward to the second part. Read Full Review
Marv Wolfman gives readers tired of the Convergence formula a kick in the pants. Superman and Supergirl make the fight personal and I'm not talking about Telos and his silly kumite. Story and character are center stage and this is the Convergence story for all you Supergirl fans out there. Highly recommended. Read Full Review
A full issue thats far more than just a recap of the Convergence set-up like a few other books weve seen, Adventures of Superman #1 is a flash from the past in every way possible due to the diligence of its creators to respect from which it came. And with an awesomely cinematic final page cliffhanger, #2 is sure to be as compelling and fun to read and revisit as #1. Read Full Review
Happy enough to look past Lucius making hard-core tech, Zor-El creating the Zone projector, and the Zone itself being a physical plane. Because it had been a long time since I read this Supergirl in all her glory. So a tip of the hat to Marv Wolfman for writing a great Supergirl issue. (Now that's something I thought I'd never write!!) Read Full Review
Convergence: Adventures of Superman #1 is not the best book in the Convergence line if you're looking for a multiversal beatdown, but it is a powerful story with a lot of emotion and high stakes. Marv Wolfman may be pushing 70, but he's still just as good a writer as he ever was. Talent's not that easy to get rid of.SCORE: 8/10 Read Full Review
If Convergence: Adventures of Superman #1 is meant to be Kara's swan song, it's a worthy story. Marv Wolfman highlights Kara's heroism in a way that seems a way to make up for killing her off years ago, and by the end of the issue, he proves her importance to the DCU. The comic closes out with a solid cliffhanger that should bring readers back for more, especially if Kara is the true star. Read Full Review
If you live and breathe by DC Comics continuity, there are some plot points that will startle you. In the end, it's all too convoluted and I've stopped caring. Just tell me a good story, and Wolfman does in spades. Read Full Review
In a sea of "Convergence" comics with extremely similar plotting, it's a relief to see someone try a different approach to their tie-in. "Convergence: The Adventures of Superman" #1 both breaks with convention, yet still easily fits in as part of the greater whole. Here's hoping some of the remaining "Convergence" tie-ins will similarly do something different. Read Full Review
Adventures of Superman might not be the best Convergence tie-in, but you could certainly do worse. Read Full Review
Wolfman's script is strong, and the art is okay, but having the heroes actually proactively *doing* things probably shouldn't feel this exciting. Read Full Review