The Flash faces a mystical serial killer who might be responsible for his mother's murder!
Even though it's Brian Buccellto back writing, this story doesn't feel like your typical FLASH story. Buccellato is warming up for DETECTIVE COMICS as we see more from the police investigatory angle. Barry has a more serious feel to him as he's determined to figure out what's going on. Patrick Zircher's art is really good here. Along with Matt Hollingsworths colors, there's almost an older, classic feel to the story. Seeing Barry trying to investigate what's going on and being a little more serious sets the story apart from the recent issues, even though we've seen him up against some deadly foes. With the story hitting closer to home in a more credible fashion, this is not a story to pass on. We should be thankful that Buccellato still has more Flash stories in him. This arc is off to a fascinating beginning. Read Full Review
Should fans buy this book? Yes. Should fans continue to follow Flash with Buccellato and Zircher manning the helm? Yes. Read Full Review
While it seems weird to be reading a Buccellato story without Manapul attached, Zircher definitely filled the shoes left for him. I really, really enjoyed his style. I can't even nit-pick tiny details I may not have liked, it was all perfectly awesome. Read Full Review
A surprisingly enticing story for what Im sure a lot of readers are assuming is just buying time before the next creative team, The Flash #27 is the true crime drama Ive been waiting for with police scientist Barry Allen as much in the drivers seat as his alter ego. Say what you will about old Barry, but hes got a ton of potential to fuel some fascinating stories if given the chance. Thank goodness Buccellato and Zircher saw the potential in him. Read Full Review
Flash fans have a lot to look forward too, but as well as some great stuff in the present with strong issues such as this! Read Full Review
The Flash #27 sets up the final Buccellato arc and it looks like a winner. Barry still runs real fast, but there is some great "detective" work as well. Patrick Zircher's art is so good and works great with Buccellato's story. Highly recommended. Read Full Review
Not as great an issue as the previous ones that Brian has done with Francis, but a good issue nonetheless. Read Full Review
Patrick Zircher is on art duties for this arc and was transferred over from Rogues Rebellion, where he did half of the first issue. Zircher has a very appealing style, and captures the tone of this arc with finesse and style. Its also similar to Marcus Tos contributions to the series, so theres nothing quite that jarring with Zirchers art. Hes as stylized as Manapul in many ways, but is much more conservative with layouts and panels, which compliments and aids Buccellatos writing. This is one arc that the team cannot let fall flat, and I cant wait to see what they do next and who they bring in. Read Full Review
It's a strong issue through and through, with Zircher's atmospheric art lending the issue a darker sense of mood that Manapul never could have communicated. I wasn't familiar with his work before this book, and personally I think he'd be a great choice to anchor one of the darker books in DC's line. Read Full Review
I don't need Barry Allen needs a dark origin story help round him out as a character, but the issue does a good job of showcasing the drive that was born in him years ago. Although the reactions his captain and his father make me wonder if the comic is going to make his father ultimately responsible for the murder, I'm still holding out hope for Professor Zoom. Worth a look. Read Full Review
This is a grim Flash story because it needs to be and it's a nice change of pace from the more colorful Francis Manapul era. Read Full Review
Terrific start to a mystery story while simultaneously opening future plotlines for our hero. Read Full Review
Flash's epic storylines might be all over, but there's still time for a little bit of fun as Buccellato and Zircher close out the first chapter of the New 52 Flash series in style. The story is a great way to showcase both sides of Barry's life, posing intriguing questions that will be fun to answer in the next few issues, and the artwork, whilst different to what defined this series when it began, is a joy to look at. Read Full Review