Green Lantern #18

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Daniel Acuna Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 28, 2007 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 14
7.4Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

The Star Sapphire has plagued Green Lantern throughout his career, but where do its origins truly lie? And why has it always sought out Hal Jordan? Discover the secret of the alien parasite as it interrupts Jordan's first date in years. Featuring luscious guest art by Daniel Acuna!

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Mar 30, 2007

    Call me biased if you will, but this is my Pick of the Week. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Mar 29, 2007

    Green Lantern #18 was another good read. Johns continues to impress with the high quality of work he is putting forth on this title. Green Lantern is certainly one of DC's strongest titles on the market. I definitely recommend giving Green Lantern a try. Very few books can consistently put forth such well paced and plotted issues like you get in Green Lantern. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bruce Logan Mar 29, 2007

    Nora Frieze, Jean Loring, Jillian Pearlmen, Cassandra Cain. These are but four names in the upcoming character "class." Following in the illustrious footsteps of "Women in Refrigerators," the DC writers/creators bring you, "Women in Liquid Nitrogen." Yeah, now they dont outright kill and mutilate them (necessarily not in that order), they just freeze them, shatter them and put them together in as a bizarre way as it suits their fancy. Then again, between this and what is happening to DCs premier female character, Wonder Woman, both in the first arc and now in the second one, I must say, given an (first hand experience) option, Id much rather have this. At least this way, it can be "corrected" with any cockamamie reason (e.g. injections of evil). Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Nicholas Slayton May 1, 2007

    Johns and artist Dave Gibbons add a backup feature called "Tales of the Sinestro Corps," and it is more interesting than the main story. The Sinestro Corps, hinted at heavily but not really explored, is given a member by member introduction through rookie Amon Sur and Lyssa Drak, the keeper of the Book of Parallax. The story, about a living biological weapon wiping out a Green Lantern's planet is intriguing, moderately disturbing, and a great hint at things to come. Sadly, the art isn't up to par. Gibbon's pencils are a tad bland and feels slightly outdated. Still, the execution of the story is wonderful and hopefully will continue to stay that good in the next few issues. Read Full Review

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