Green Lantern #55

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Doug Mahnke Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 30, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 8
7.7Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

BRIGHTEST DAY marches on as the Main Man, Lobo, goes head-to-head with Red Lantern Atrocitus with Hal Jordan caught in the middle! It doesn't get more brutal than this! Plus, Hector Hammond returns . . . to join the new Guardians?

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jul 1, 2010

    . Lobo vs the various Lanterns, DexStarr's origin, some of Doug Mahnke's best work on the title to date what's not to love about this issue? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Tacopina Jul 1, 2010

    As an added bonus there is a very cool origin of Dex-Starr included that manages to be very interesting and provide a few chuckles to boot. Geoff Johns has once again managed to surprise and impress with what he has accomplished with this latest issue. I hope to see more of these little backups in future issues as the Green Lantern mythos has expanded drastically since Johns has been at the helm. The art here was provided by Shane Davis and was nicely done much like is previous collaboration on the Rage of the Red Lanterns one-shot with Johns. I do have to point out that DC editorial mistakenly credits a Shawn Davis in the story info. Now if this was done by a certain other publisher I am sure they would be flamed and taken to task but since this is DC it most likely won't be touched on by the DC Nation. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Jul 2, 2010

    Green Lantern pulls in its third Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 6, 2010

    Green Lantern continues to be one of the best comics DC publishes, and this issue maintains those high standards. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jun 30, 2010

    Johns also has a blast with this material, and revels in the chance to handle Lobo's depraved sense of humor. There are a number of very funny lines dropped by The Main Man in the course of the issue, making for a humorous change of pace from the deathly serious tone that dominated much of Blackest Night. More importantly, Johns finally grants the series some much needed direction for the first time since his mega-event wrapped, at last giving this latest arc a more substantial hook than "the White Lantern is here, and it's mysterious!" Throw in a back-up feature detailing the origins of everyone's favorite blood thirty kitty cat, and you have a return to form for this lynchpin series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jul 4, 2010

    While the issue may seem like nothing really "happens" in it the execution is very good. The arc is definitely moving at a snail's pace but how can you not like an issue with Lobo and a good fight? This was a fun read with a couple of surprises at the end of the main story and a great origin story in the back. You can't go wrong with this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Mania - Chris Smits Jul 1, 2010

    Possibly the best superhero monthly that you can still get for only $2.99, I’m giving it a B. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    cxPulp - Walt Kneeland Jul 1, 2010

    This isn't really a jump-on point for new readers, but ongoing readers--long-term, or following this book out of all the Blackest Night stuff--should find this a decent read, all told. If you're already reading this arc, I definitely recommend the issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicBuzz - TheHammer Jul 27, 2010

    In the last few years Geoff Johns has brought a coherency to the DCU that was sorely needed, and Blackest night has brought the same coherency to the GL pocket of the DCU while also building on the established mythos in a very major way. So I'm very interested in staying on-board to see where he goes with this. Doug Mahnkes pencils are solid, and there's enough drama and history between all the characters appearing in this book to make it a fun read. Overall though, not much happens in this issue. I will say the back-up story telling the origin of Dex-Starr is a sweet little piece. Ok he's a cat, it seems ludicrous that anyone could tell any kind of story about a super-powered cat that travels through the cosmos as a member of an anger-wielding space corps, but I definitely had something in my eye when I read the line I good kitty, plus it was nice to find out Atrocius is apparently a cat person. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS Arsenault Jun 30, 2010

    For $2.99, this is a good book if you like lantern fights. Did something major happen? Not really. Did something minor happen that will influence later events? Probably. Will you fall apart if you miss this issue? Doubt it. Pick up Green Lantern #55 if you're following Brightest Day and you want the whole set. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 4, 2010

    This issue also provides the origin of Red Lantern Dex-Starr (the cute blue kitty-cat, who also gets in a few good shots on Lobos bulldog pal) and its actually touching, if somewhat manipulative in its emotions. Its a stronger outing that the last couple of issues of GL, which have been meandering as Brightest Day tries to keep up with the post-Nekron DCU, but its still not quite up to the high standards set by Johns in this titles past. Im still onboard this title, even with my growing distaste for the protagonist, but this whole Search For The Entities thing has already dragged on longer than I suspect it should.. Read Full Review

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