Green Lantern #52
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Green Lantern #52

Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Mark Irwin, Billy Tan Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 4, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 9
7.0Critic Rating
6.6User Rating

Hal Jordan, the last connection to the old order of the Green Lantern Corps, faces his toughest challenge. The Gray Agents are making their final bid to be the new law in the universe, and Hals new allies, Trapper, Virgo and his ship, Darlene, will be the first casualties. How far will Hal go to resolve this conflict?

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke May 4, 2016

    Green Lantern is filled with great action, great art and most importantly his powers convey a sense that, much like in the cosmos, anything is possible. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 5, 2016

    This particular Green Lantern series has meandered quite a bit over the past year as it's explored Hal Jordan's renegade status quo. The good news is that writer Robert Venditti is able to bring that status quo to an effective conclusion in this finale issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    FanboyNation - R.C. Samo May 4, 2016

    Green Lantern 52 is a transitional story rather than a stand alone, but the hubris that is Green Lantern will definitely lead to exciting times. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey May 4, 2016

    Green Lantern #52 is a quick read given that the bulk of the issue is comprised of a prolonged action sequence. But sprinkled in are enough moments that show how Hal, Virgo and Trapper have changed during their time with Darlene and perhaps the one disappointment here is not seeing her anywhere in the issue.  The series ends without a resolution of any of the main plot elements that have made up the "Renegade" phase of Hal's career, so readers looking for a conclusion to the story may find themselves let down that this issue is more of a transitional piece rather than an ending.  Four out of five lanterns. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring May 4, 2016

    Issue #52 of GREEN LANTERN has a satisfying ending, in the fact that's a more of a bridge between this volume and REBIRTH. The series continues to push forward and tell stories, instead of halting itself to start back up for the next DC event. Robert Venditti and Billy Tan provide an interesting story here, and fans should be excited to see where this is headed. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose May 5, 2016

    Given that Hal Jordan's status quo is about to change dramatically, this isn't a must-read, but it's a decent way to clip off this era of erratic Green Lantern stories. Read Full Review

  • 6.6
    Comicsverse - Tim O'Reilly May 5, 2016

    It's unfortunate that GREEN LANTERN #52 doesn't stand much on its own. As an ending, it doesn't feel all that satisfying and unfortunately reads like a set-up for the Rebirth relaunch of the title. It's not terrible, but it isn't great either. It feels slightly rushed and corporate when all is said and done, which is a shame given the talent behind this book. Even if Rebirth can redeem this ending with context, though, it will just result in the whole book lacking any real pay-off. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp May 10, 2016

    One of DC's major struggles with the New 52 was how unprepared they with decisions about what was canon for its characters. These inconsistencies led to lots of growing pains throughout the New 52 run. Hopefully the company has a little better idea where it wants to go with Rebirth. For fans. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph May 7, 2016

    What is offered is a bit of a fast read that isn't without its entertaining qualities, but could have use a little more substance. It really serves as a lead-in to Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1, which will hopefully see the end of Hobo Hal and a return to his classic threads. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea May 4, 2016

    I don't know if this issue means that we can put Hal Jordan's days of being a Renegade behind us, but I'd certainly like it to because this series has struggled since that status quo change and sadly, it doesn't get better here.  I don't know if I'm a big dummy or what, but I kind of thought of this issue as being a final issue or at least having that feel, but really it acts more like a bridge to Rebirth, so make sure you go in with that thought in my mind because nothing really is concluded here.  While the art is okay, we mainly just get a big battle scene with the majority of any character progression happening at the end of the story, which mostly makes this feel like a waste. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy May 6, 2016

    For the last issue of the New 52 iteration of Hal Jordan, it remained consistent with what has been published before. If I have anything else to say about the “renegade” story line is that I wish it could have gone deeper into what that means for a man of the law like Hal Jordan. I enjoyed the elements that were played with but it could have been so much more expansive with Hal Jordan as a character. Next month Rebirth officially begins and it's going to interesting to see how the next phase of the Green Lantern universe kicks off. Read Full Review

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