Green Lantern Corps #44

Event\Storyline: Blackest Night Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Patrick Gleason Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 20, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 6
7.6Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Witness the fury of Guy Gardner Red Lantern! But what horrible attack on the Corps would fuel Guy's rage? And how can anyone save him from the grip of the crimson fury?

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Koppy McFad Jan 23, 2010

    Despite its faults, this is a very exciting issue and sets the stage for more Gardnerrific goodness next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Jan 22, 2010

    Green Lantern Corps #44 was another fun read. This title continues to give me more entertainment value than either Blackest Night or Green Lantern. I would strongly recommend Green Lanterns Corps #44 to Science Fiction fans and to action adventure fans. Tomasi certainly has demonstrated the ability to write incredibly large-scale cosmic battles. Green Lantern Corps #44 is not necessary at all for readers who are only following Blackest Night itself. However, this title does help make Blackest Night more of a cosmic war than just a small Earthbound DCU event. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jan 20, 2010

    It's hard to discuss a book like Green Lantern Corps #44, in which two or three gigantic, insanely imaginative set-pieces constitute the majority of the book's thrills, without spoiling the sheer spectacle for others. Suffice it to say that the issue provides the type of pages you'll want to tear out of the book and tack on your wall, and they're about the furthest thing from the typical comic book splash page you can imagine. And at the very least, credit Tomasi for challenging Gleason to draw the type of images we expect to see in a GLC book, and then allowing him to space to defy our expectations. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jan 21, 2010

    Celebrate those things and more here. This is an action-adventure, science-fiction comic. "Green Lantern Corps" continues to find ways to challenge Patrick Gleason and crew to bring their visual A-game, and month in and month-out they deliver. The fact that this title is so closely woven to "Blackest Night" is just a bonus. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comic Addiction - Corwin C. Crowl Jan 23, 2010

    For an issue with four inkers and two colorists I have to say they have maintained an excellent consistency. It is hard to tell which pages were inked by different artists. Even more impressive is that this issue may still be consistent with the last. (It has been a month since I have read it so please forgive me if I am mistaken.) I know the deadlines may be piling up on Gleason but he has not shied away from giving us expansive two page spreads with great detail. I think right after Blackest Night he may have to take a break but with only two issues left I hope he can make it. I really do not have anything new to say about Tomasi's writing that I have not said in previous reviews. He has created a great story pulling in pieces from the last few years of the title. I think the shift from the Black Lanterns to the new Red Lantern is a welcome and unexpected change of pace that really works to keep interest in this book high. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS Arsenault Jan 20, 2010

    Rising action, desperate danger and coerced betrayal! If you're following Blackest Night, pick this up! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Jan 22, 2010

    This is a fun actionoriented story that skirts by more on fanboy excitement of seeing things like Guy as a Red Lantern and Mogo in action that it does by the actual tension and intensity created by the action. Between the ease of the Black Lantern's defeat and the unevenness of the art, this issue runs into a lot of issues that really take away from how much fun it could be. Read Full Review

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