Injustice 2 #10

Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Bruno Redondo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 14, 2017 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 8
8.6Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

The new head of the Suicide Squad has kidnapped the CEOs of global energy companies and demands major reforms by nations across the globe, promising deadly consequences as the only alternative.

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Sep 20, 2017

    This alternate future of the pre-Flashpoint DCU is a real treat as it continues to utilize older and under used characters for purposes that fit their characters. That's really the key. The characterization feels right. The relationships and familial connections make it easy to relate to these individuals with powers and abilities. It doesn't matter that it's not part of the regular DCU, it's developed into a great story with characters that seem real and are relatable. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Impulse Gamer - Andrew Bistak Sep 20, 2017

    Injustice 2 #10 continues building towards something big and the creative team deliver another strong issue about this twisted yet familiar world… and when Injustice 2 ends, can Tom Taylor and Juan Albaran please write a mainstream DC Comic? Pretty please DC! Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Weird Science - Repairman Jack Jun 20, 2017

    While having a rocky and ‘too cute' of a start the issue quickly won me back with great character introductions and impactful moments. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 21, 2017

    If Tom Taylor's scripts don't quite rise to the heights of recent chapters here, he nonetheless makes the most of that showdown and the amusing banter between characters like Wildcat, Harley Quinn and Plastic Man. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jun 15, 2017

    I've been enjoying Injustice 2 from the start but it's coming together in a really neat way at this stage that has me curious to see what it'll do. Yes, I expect plenty of fights in the coming issues, some character deaths event, but the conceptual aspects of this run are coming into focus and there's a lot of good material to discuss there – even within the context of superhero silliness. The two sides are shaping up well under Taylor's tenure where you can feel invested in both for different reasons and dislike both for their approaches for different reasons. Redondo continues to make this a great looking book and Cifuentes brings the layouts that Redondo put together look great, especially with how Lokus handles the color work – particularly on that last page with those vibrant blues and yellows. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Sep 21, 2017

    Tom Taylor always keeps it lively even when he's killing off the cast of Injustice 2. I'm not saying anybody dies here, but you know the likelihood of soldiers falling in the battle of these pages is always going to be very high. Now that Batman's Resistance has established all it's latest members and stolen into the stronghold of the League of Shadows, you know we're going to start seeing a body count soon. For now Batgirl and Blue Beetle (and Batman himself) are sidelined while Wildcat, Harley, the Plastic Men, and the kids themselves take center stage. The coming fight is definitely going to be a doozy as only the world of Injustice can provide. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Paul Mason Sep 22, 2017

    Team Batman is still on the rescue mission for Conner and Alfred. And basically this issue is the rescue operation it has a bit of a mission impossible a LA DC universe vibe to it. And theres fisticuffs and fights. Also the conspicuously absent Harley returns. Read Full Review

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