Injustice 2 #9

Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Bruno Redondo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 7, 2017 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 9
8.2Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

Batman asks Ted Kord to join his new Justice League Council, but Ted runs afoul of Deadshot before he can answer.

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Sep 6, 2017

    By addressing serious and real issues, this comic elevates to a level rarely touched in the medium. When one considers the morality of both sides of the issue, it's clear that there is a real world analog. While Batman may find a way to address both sides of the situation, in the real world, rarely does it work out that way. This title has transformed from a pedestrian video game tie-in to a morality questioning piece of popular culture. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Impulse Gamer - Andrew Bistak Sep 11, 2017

    All in all, Injustice 2 #9 hits the mark again and Taylor really captures the characters well, even though some have been corrupted over the years. The series also has this JLA: The Nail feel to it, however Taylor makes this universe his own and does it really well. Then you have the excellent art of Daniel Sampere who creates dynamic panels that really explode, including characters filled with emotion and realism. He also draws some very mean action scenes that channels that Hollywood blockbuster feel. However what I enjoyed about Injustice 2 is the unexpectedness as nothing is predictable and that my friends is where this comic shines above all else! Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Weird Science - Repairman Jack Jun 20, 2017

    Taylor continues to be amazing at character moments and unforgettable gags that easily makes up for what minor gripes I have with the pace of the issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 7, 2017

    It's pretty impressive how a "mere" video game tie-in has become one of DC's consistently best ongoing series. That's the power of great storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jun 8, 2017

    Injustice 2 looks like it's getting ready to really light the fuse that will set things off and I'm curious as to what Ted's true role in all of this will be. The time spent early on with Jaime and Bruce works well because of the different relationships they have and how they interact and I was glad to have some time with Booster in the mix as well, even if it felt rush. Taylor has my faith completely at this point to tease out an engaging tale and he's doing just that with this chapter. Redondo and Albarran hit it out of the park with the artwork with some good layouts to be had, some really great detail in the character pieces, and some fun action when it hits. It's a very good chapter part of the larger whole that puts a few more pieces into play for the storyline. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Ashley Gibbs Sep 6, 2017

    I don't want to blame my personal indifference to Injustice 2 #9 solely on Animal Man, I'm sure he has his fair share of fans as he's been around for a long time. However his motivations are shallow and in a universe where super heroes die often he seems like cannon fodder. However, this leads to another thing I've noticed, people die less in this series than in the first one. When I played the first game and read what I have of the first comic I was always shocked when someone died, and they did often. Now, if they're not on the roster for the [i]Injustice 2[/i] game I assume they'll probably die and so far only Ted Kord's death has had any weight or meaning. I enjoy reading this series but I really do hope things pick up a bit, I really shouldn't be bored if Batman is on a mission to battle Ra's Al Ghul. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Jun 7, 2017

    Injustice 2 Chapter 9 was a fantastic introduction to this version of Blue Beetles' Ted Kord and Jaime Reyes. Ted Kord was the star of the issue as Tom Taylor highlighted what makes the character so special even in light of his unavoidable fate. Ted's fate was the driving force of Injustice 2 Chapter 9, which ended up delivering excellent scene with Batman and Booster Gold. If you are a DC Comics fan Injustice 2 is a comic you should definitely be reading, whether you played the video games or not. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Paul Mason Sep 9, 2017

    The war between R'as all ghul and team Batman rages on, the majority of this issue is concerned with Green Arrow and Black Canary rescuing Conner from al Ghul's jungle hideout. The small Green Arrow squad sneaks into the lair with the help of Plastic Man and his son. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Corps - Mark Fossas Sep 6, 2017

    Tom Taylor bring us a really good set up for the rescue and clashes of the forces of good and evil. I cannot wait until the next issue to finally jump into action. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Tracy Sayers Jun 12, 2017

    This is most a fan pleaser. If you know the story arc you will totally want to read this and find out more. Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Sep 6, 2017

    This issue of Injustice 2 seems to have some uncommon pacing and plotting problems quite unlike Tom Taylor's regular work. The story opens with Batman plotting, continues with Batgirl plotting, and we get lots of Damian and Animal Man plotting as a side dish. There's action in there, but a strange lack of urgency throughout. Fortunately it all feels like it's leading to a big cataclysm with the League of Shadows, so I'm still looking forward to the next issue! Read Full Review

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