As General Zod finally takes full command of his alien legion of super-villains, the Emerald Empress strikes! If Zod can withstand her insidious attack, the cosmic secret of the Eye will finally be revealed! The road to Zod's ultimate vengeance continues!
I am a little peeved that we won't see the whole thing play out. I think we go from 5 more issues to go to only one! It's a shame because this book has been getting more interesting as we go along. Throw in the oodles of Legion lore here and this book was the winner of the week. Read Full Review
We know that Zod will be making his return to the Superman books in a big way soon, but so far this series mostly feels like it's keeping him busy until then. Read Full Review
What could've been an interesting alliance between Zod and The Emerald Eye plays out for comedy as a filler issue. The visuals are super fun and contributes to most of the entertainment value. I've resigned to the idea this series has turned into a version of 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' featuring Zod which makes the disjointed nature of each issue more enjoyable albeit a tad disappointing from where the series began. Read Full Review
Kneel Before Zod remains a peculiar comic book it does sufficiently honor the energy of its titular protagonist, but ultimately crafts a nihilistic and clunky world around him. Read Full Review
This series has been a bit all over the place, but I am enjoying it. I haven't seen the Emerald Empress in some time. This issue was very random, however. The ship is randomly attacked by a space monster that eats them and then Sinestro randomly shows up. Looking forward to seeing how this wraps up.
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