They already have many Punisher style characters. JS.
In the wake of his mother's death, Derek learns that home is where the hell is. Despondent over missing her funeral and shunned by his father because of it, Sideways reunites with his best friend Ernie for some heart-to-heart talk. Her family life is in shambles, too, as Derek learns her folks are divorcing and splitting up the family. The heartbreak prompts them to take a quick jaunt to Paris, where Sideways ends up getting called into action because of a terrorist attack. A hero in France but a pariah at home, Sideways ponders his future-but he may not have much future left, as Dark Star Sciences boss Leto learns he's back and dispatches sumore
Overall, a fantastic homecoming for Derek, Rocafort, and all of the street level elements that make this series great. Read Full Review
This was probably one of the better issues of Sideways aside from the one where Derek's mother was unfortunately killed. Sideways #10 proves that you can do wonders when you put substance over style. This is a young hero book where you want to capture the energy of being new to the world of heroes and the sacrifices, but you should never forget the moments that are supposed to help you care about the person underneath the mask. This includes the people in their circle of trust too. Read Full Review
Sideways #10 is a bit light on the action, but the story more than makes up for it. Derek is really starting to find his footing as Sideways as well as his purpose for being a hero. With the return to Gotham and enemies unknown to Derek finally making some moves, we are in for some exciting things to come. Read Full Review
It's great having Rocafort back on the art in this issue. His style perfectly complements the tone of this story as well as the characters. The action scenes are well done and there are some great details in the backgrounds that enhance the drama in the scene. Read Full Review
A necessary step forward for establishing Sideways' character and building his world. Read Full Review
Equal parts action and character, this is what Sideways should always be. Read Full Review
I didn't talk aboutthe ending to this issue but I'm genuinely excited to read the next issue. Theart was stupendous and the story had me missing this book when it just focusedon Derek and his friends and family. Shame it'll be ending soon. Read Full Review
It's a shame to see him go as he's starting to convincingly grow up before our eyes. At least they're setting up his presence as one to live on in DC lore. Read Full Review
I still think Derek's story as a child of interracial adoption had a lot of potential, but that's not what this series turned out to be. Read Full Review
Sideways is (for me) on the best comics DC propose right now
Sideways #10 is easily the best issue in the series to date (Yes I know it's canceled). I'm not sure what has happened but the series has done a complete 180. Derek (Sideways), has managed to settle on a personality and finally seems interesting outside of the costume. In fact, all of the characters seem interesting and behave in a realistic and rational manner. My chief problem with the series to this point is that everyone seemed all over the place an the motivations seemed off.
The main crux of the issue is transitioning from the Seven Soldiers of Victory crossover and into the next story arc and status quo.
Derek travels back to his home from the Dark Multiverse. It's revealed that he more
Okay now DC is getting a little carried away with the Marvel like characters! So now we basically have the punisher in this issue! This issue doesn’t do anything for the story. Unfortunately the issue has a lot of explaining to do about the previous story arc and every time he tries to explain it, you are reminder of it. The part with the dad could careless about because their relationship made it obvious that was going to happen.
The series is still bland and lacks personality
This book is so ridiculously cynical. I think it took the wrong lessons from the comics it's constantly trying to ape. Everyone is a cynical douchebag. And every situation is written through the eyes of a perpetual pessimist. This series is devoid of one key ingredient in Spider-Man, and that is hope. Cue jokes about DC being over-the-top dark. As for the new villain, why does he look like the Punisher? I mean, aside from the obvious. And I guess Derek's powers aren't anything special now. Where were the Fuginauts for Boltisher? I'm really ready to let this series and these characters go.