At a loss to close the widening gap between herself and Superman, Lois turns to Wonder Woman for help. Clark Kent, attempting to reenter his life at the Daily Planet, is haunted by the dire consequences of his attempts to defend his second adopted planet from invasion.
As we reach the halfway point of Priest's space-faring adventure that finds a time-lost Superman building a new life in space, this issue is probably the breakout that shows just how good Priest can be when he's truly on his game. Read Full Review
Pagulayan delivers some beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. The visuals are stunning and filled with great action. The character moments are balanced perfectly to show Clarks struggles. Read Full Review
It seems that as the maxi-series reaches its midway point that it has found the heart of its narrative. Read Full Review
Whether by accident or design, Superman: Lost #5 has the seed of a dramatic story worth telling when a Green Lantern enters Clark's lost life. The "plot" developments are interesting, and Hope breathes life into a floundering maxi-series. Read Full Review
I don't know why Diana would just give this to Lois. And I don't exactly know what it is doing here. I guess I'd say I liked some of the story beats here. Hope's story of being a new GL just as lost as Clark is interesting. And her murdering Szhemi certainly was shocking. The art elevates the book at least a whole grade. I would call this an improvement. Read Full Review
Full review at 5:14