THE MISTRESS OF MAGIC, HAUNTED BY VISIONS OF DEATH! In the aftermath of her encounter with the Lady White, Zatanna is left debilitated by a mysterious cursed sword. In hopes of breaking the curse, Zatanna seeks out the hidden connection between it, her missing crewmate, the Lady White, and herself. However, with her magic compromised and her thoughts haunted by visions of death, how long can she keep herself and those around her safe?
Zatanna #2 brilliantly blends captivating character development with mesmerising artwork, solidifying Zatanna as a compelling lead supported by an eclectic cast. It's a must-read for fans of magical storytelling. Read Full Review
Zatanna #2 is a gripping narrative, with some slightly disturbing visuals and an ever-deepening mystery. Read Full Review
Zatanna is a character whose world has never really been extensively explored before, beyond a few supporting characters, so Jamal Campbell has a lot of latitude to explore here and build a new mythology. So far, he's doing an incredible job and has set up a mystery that combines cosmic-level threats with real human connections and a great new look at the magical side of the DCU. And with one creative vision behind the whole thing, it's likely to remain excellent the whole way through. Read Full Review
Zatanna #2 is one of the most beautiful comic books you'll pick up this week. Read Full Review
In this second issue, Jamal Campbell deepens the mystery and gives us some incredible illustrations to go along with it. Read Full Review
love the artwork. I was intrigued with this issue.
The art really floors me. I like the coloring and how the mystery unravels
As enjoyable as issue #1 was, this issue may be even better! There’s a good mystery-and it deepens, things progress with the plot and the cadre of magic/ supernatural characters we see are fun. Madame Xanadu and Blue Devil not only connect things with Justice League Dark, but also Madame Xanadu’s Vertigo solo series, Demon Knights from the New 52 and Blue Devil’s original series from the ’80’s. There’s just a slight desire to see Zatanna on her own instead of in an ensemble, but the ensemble is compelling. Additionally, I don’t think we needed to see Bruce Wayne show up on the last page, but there’s a lot going on to sort out and it’s 99% not straightforward. There are a couple of surprises along the way that confirmmore
This is the perfect example of why artists should not write on most occasions. The artwork is amazing and very moody. It matches the tone of Zatanna very well, however, the story is consulted and doesn't make much sense. Let's throw magic stuff everywhere like a Pollock painting. I do like Blue Devil in here and the reveal makes not sense at the end. I'll get one more issue to see if it improves.