Humanity is at a crossroads, between life and annihilation. The threat comes not from space, but from a place absolutely inconceivable to anyone other than Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt. Only he can take Earth's remaining heroes to confront that which threatens us all...but when he knows so much more than they do, should he? Also: strike a light, how hot is Tabu now? This is what happens when you give "DREAM DADDY" as the main artistic direction.
So far, this is a more worthy successor to Watchmen than anything Watchmen's publisher has attempted. Read Full Review
Peter Cannon is not only formally daring and interesting but ridiculously fun. This is the book everyone should be reading this year. Read Full Review
"I...created a dragon once. An experiment. I didn't pursue it." It is dialogue like this which cements Peter Cannon to be the latest, great main character from Kieron Gillen. Read Full Review
This is a most unusual take and the typical save the word scenario. It is hard to tell where this is going or even who the good guys really are, but that makes for a fascinating story. The answer to the question of whether or not humanity deserves a hero is equally ambivalent. Read Full Review
"Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt" #2 is a wildly creative and beautifully rendered sci-fi superhero story. Read Full Review
Kieron Gillen's story continues to spin its wheels with a lot of technobabble based in physics and some philosophical questions to ponder, but unfortunately, the overload of dialogue is slowing down pacing to a point where the book is more of a chore to read than it is fun. Read Full Review
A sorrowful, yet truly flavourful superhero tale calling to mind some of the big event stories seen throughout the 1980's. Read Full Review
I'm not sure how much longer Gillen can pull off the persistent "This is the next level of Watchmen" schtick before it gets tiresome, but I'm willing to give this one another issue just to find out. You should too. Read Full Review