The Rocketeer: In The Den Of Thieves #1

Writer: Stephen Mooney Artist: David Messina Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: July 12, 2023 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 2
8.4Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

The Rocketeer is grounded! After Cliff and Betty's adventures in Europe-with Cliff losing the Great Race but saving the day-he and Betty return home with a busted jet pack and a fully repaired relationship! They're as happy as they've ever been...but paradise doesn't last long! An elite band of Nazis, foiled in the past by their attempts to construct their own jet packs, decide on a new tactic: kidnapping the only person who can enable them to create their very own fleet of Rocketeers... Cliff's beloved friend and mentor Peevy!
All Ages

  • 10 - Spencer Perry Jul 12, 2023

    Even if you've never seen the movie or read every page of The Rocketeer before, the new series The Rocketeer: In the Den of Thieves is one that has something for you. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Ian Cullen Jul 17, 2023

    I also loved the artwork seen when Cliff is on the studio lot looking for Betty at the beginning of the book. It's obvious that Messina did a bit of research in order to capture the fashions and various bits of technology from the period. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Jul 12, 2023

    Messina delivers some beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. The visuals are fun and filled with great action and adventure. I love the dark, ominous tone of the Nazi moments and how they contrast with the lighter tone of Cliff and Bettys moments together. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Christopher Franey Jul 11, 2023

    Mooney & Messina craft an excellent opening to a potential epilogue to Cliff Secord's time as the Rocketeer by giving him the perfect life, yet Cliff can't find the thrill. Now by tossing him into the Den of Thieves, Cliff must sacrifice his peace to save others, but can he do it without a rocket pack? Is Cliff willing to pay that price? Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    The Comicbook Dispatch - Dispatchdcu Jul 12, 2023

    The Rocketeer: Into the Den of Thieves #1 offers a charming and intimate portrayal of Cliff Secord's post-adventure life while introducing a new Nazi threat. The issue strikes a balance between exploration of Cliffs personal life and plot development, culminating in a well-crafted cliffhanger. The art, though clean and visually appealing, may lack the traditional pulp aesthetic associated with The Rocketeer. Nonetheless, the comic succeeds in generating excitement and anticipation for the protagonist's inevitable return to action. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Jul 22, 2023

    The kinetics of the action and the warmth of the drama are more than engaging enough to launch the series forward into its second issue. Its been a great deal of fun so far...and it almost seems to more or less be a story that picks up right at the end of Dave Stevens original series, which ends up feeling like a smooth transition for anyone who might have only been familiar with Cliff, Bettie, and Peevy from Stevenss original work. Mooneys style feels similar enough to Stevenss that everything seems to fit together remarkably well between Den of Thieves and a series that had originally appeared on the racks of comic shops decades ago. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    COMICON - Tom Smithyman Jul 12, 2023

    Strong illustrations with shadowy characters make this premiere issue stand out. The plot, though, is a familiar one. And the lack of the title character is a cause of concern, given that's what most readers are looking for in the series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jul 24, 2023

    The first issue of the new mini-series resets events with the anxious Cliff, the thriving Betty, and the reliable Peevy who is kidnapped at the end of the issue by a squad of Nazi Rocketeers hoping the engineer can help them solve their problem with the jet packs. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicsOnline - Kevin Gaussoin Jul 18, 2023

    The Rocketeer in the Den of Thieves #1 attempts to reward Cliff, Betty, and Peevey the life they deserve and have earned, but unavoidably pulls them back into the airborne danger. This book teases more than it delivers, but does so to great effect. The disastrous potential of Howard Hughes dream turned nightmare is on display as Nazis travel undetected, and with our heroes turned flightless, there is no one equipped to stop them. What will they do? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    fzanca Jul 17, 2023

    When did Cliff's girlfriend become Betty Paige? Was it always this way? I must have missed that. I like this entire issue. From the Nazi strike force to the conversation with Peev to the Nazis abducting him. Not sure how they got into the US undetected, but that's a nit-pick. I'm excited for the next one.

  • 7.5
    Phil B. Jul 16, 2023

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