The TMNT land on a planet of criminals and lowlifes. In these surroundings one heroic pilot is on the lamb from the most powerful crime boss on the planet. A pilot named Ace Duck!
Thanks to funny, witty dialogue and a novel change of setting, TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES DIMENSION X #4 is a delight. The story and art style successfully move at a brisk pace akin to action films. Read Full Review
This may be the most well-rounded chapter of Dimension X yet. Read Full Review
TMNT Dimension X #4 is another wild ride and a great adventure. I am really enjoying all of these characters that are being introduced in this series (I am still holding out for King Lion Heart or some version of the Punk Frogs to show up!). The creative team does a wonderful job of bringing this new world to life and telling a fun story along the way. The character interactions are great, there is some action, comedy and suspense all rolled up into one issue. The brothers only have one more witness to save before the trial of Krang will they complete their mission or fall short of the finish line, find out next week! Read Full Review
The whole creative team does a great job with offering us a fun ride in what is essentially space Las Vegas. Read Full Review
With one more issue to go I'm curious how things are going to be tied up. Please don't kill off Hakk-R. Read Full Review