A very special "silent" issue! This is the first wordless comic ever from either BRIAN K. VAUGHAN or MARCOS MARTÍN.
Barrier #3 doesnt have as much going on in terms of narrative, it is a strong character book and a generally good reading experience. There is no text, and the comic can get its subtleties across regardless. Plus, Martin and Vicente continue to put in excellent artwork. This series gets another recommendation. Check it out this Wednesday. Read Full Review
You'll have to fight to really appreciate the ins and outs of this issue, but it is absolutely worth it. Read Full Review
Like the other issues the artwork for this issue was stunning. In a way I'd argue this was the best artwork so far; not because of the quality (which is very good), but because of how the entirely of the story was carried by the images. There were literally no words used to support the artwork here, so the artwork had to fully stand up on its own. That is not an easy task, and I have to admit I'm incredibly impressed. Read Full Review
There's surely substance to be found in this new issue, but you'll have to dig up those connections yourself. Read Full Review
As uncomfortable as the last two issues were, this has me more invested due to the slight hints of background on both characters. This issue was fully driven by art as well and had no text, forcing me to invest more time in looking at every panel. Read Full Review
Part three ... Liddy & Oscar are separated once more & both will face some unimaginable things. I like that once more they take the tim for a flashback. This time for Liddy. And now another Barrier is down. Yeah they can speak forcing them to communicate in another way. Very smart.
Cover - Like this cover very in link to my reading. And that didn't give away the story. Very smart ! 2/2
Writing - It's a pleasure to follow them. They kind of start to care one for another now. The barrier will be no more soon. 3/3
Arts - Still a major part of the huge smile when I close the book. It's another marvelous reading time thanks to every panel. 3/3
Feeling - If you haven't try it, give it away and shut down all Barrier keepi more
You know, I didn't consciously realize there was no text until after I finished. Now that's good storytelling!
We went from bi-lingual text to no text at all, well unless you understand how to speak colour. This issue is visually driven. Thankfully the artwork is really good.