At long last the story of the mysterious QUEEN BETWEEN is revealed and her connection to Andy and Tim-21 will rock the galaxy.
As always, the highlight of this issue " like any other " is Dustin Nguyen's art. The story is interesting, but the watercolours that illustrate it are something else. You can see, nearly sense the thick paper the artist has used to paint this story on, notice every detail, enjoy every touch. It's something special. Read Full Review
Descender has another solid entry in the Singularities arc of character backstories that we've been getting. Lemire may be taking a risk with some readers in doing something like this but it's worked exceptionally well for me as a whole because it's made me even more invested in their stories and pasts within the context of the present. It's also given Dustin Nguyen a chance to explore these character at different ages and showing their growth and changes over the course of it, which is always interesting. He essentially nails this book once again from start to finish and I always feel bad for not say much beyond it looks like perfection to me. I can't imagine this book working like it does in the hands of most other artists because his style and the coloring just separates it in a way that it needs to be. I love how it has elements of 70's style science fiction mixed with 80's character designs and today's sensibilities. It's just fantastic. Read Full Review
Aside from a couple clanging pieces of exposition heavy dialogue,Descender has turned out yet another great issue. This is a team that gets the best out of one another. Lemire's fascination for all things melancholy and Nguyen's en-capturing of fragility are perfect counterparts. The caliber of their work and their suiting of one another makes clear that this pair are swiftly cementing themselves as the creative team to rival Vaughan and Staples. Read Full Review
Worth the read for the art alone, pick up the Descender series for everything from sad robots lost in space to angst fueled teenage romance. Read Full Review
Now, how he and Effie are going to end up reunited with Andy is kind of beyond me. If Descender follows its normal patterns, somebody is going to quite literally burst through a wall and spirit them away. I honestly can't see how else it will happen, and if they become an excuse to further prolong telling what happened to Tim, I might throw the next issue into an incinerator. Read Full Review