The origins of the Harvesters are finally revealed as we jump back thousands of years to see the dawn of the robotkind and the the secrets of the Ancient Robot and how it connects to Tim-21 in the present.
Secrets that have been building since issue one are finally revealed in this shocking new story arc.
Each issue in this arc will feature "LITTLE ROBOT" variant covers by DUSTIN NGUYEN.
Lemire and Nguyen deliver a relatively standalone issue that, at the same time, seems to have some pretty huge implications on the greater arc of the series. And I can't wait to find out how. It's almost not fair how great these two are together. All I know is one thing: They can have my bank routing numbers. Read Full Review
I really liked the flow of this and Dustin Nguyen is creating something that really is quite magical with the visual presentation of events with the machinery, worlds, and characters. I can't wait to see what's next. Read Full Review
Descender #27 more than rises to the occasion of establishing the facts needed to understand whatever awaits Tim-21 and his companions next. Read Full Review
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A lot of information in Descender #27 may feel unneeded or unwarranted, but Lemire does enough to justify its existence while enticing us with answers regarding the ancient Harvesters and their creators. However the real star of this issue is Dustin Nguyen's art, as it simply should not go missed. Read Full Review
Wow, this was fantastic.
This issue of "Descender" is interesting enough, functioning as a stand alone story of sorts, but one that will provide illumination for the series as a whole, It's a good read, but the standout is the jaw-dropping watercolour art of Dustin Nguyen. This is breathtaking stuff, one of the best looking issues of the series so far.