Nowhere Men #1
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Nowhere Men #1

Writer: Eric Stephenson Artist: Nate Bellegarde Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: November 28, 2012 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 5
7.2Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

"SCIENCE IS THE NEW ROCK 'N' ROLL." So said Dade Ellis, Simon Grimshaw, Emerson Strange and Thomas Walker at the dawn of a new age of enlightenment that ushered in a boom in scientific advancement. As the research supergroup World Corp., they became the most celebrated scientists of all time. They changed the world - and we loved them for it. But where did it all go wrong? And when progress is made at any and all cost, who ultimately pays the price?

  • 10
    Read Comic Books - Roderick Ruth Nov 29, 2012

    With that said, Image seems to have another winner on its hands. While all this issue has to offer is mostly a highly-stylized introduction to a large cast of characters, it's evident that Stephenson is setting the stage for something grand. From front cover to back cover is uninhibited; each and every character in this story seems to be well planned out and the scope of the story seems to be epic in proportion. Of course it's only the first issue, but this creative team looks very promising and one to certainly look out for in the future. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Syndicate - Kristina Dec 5, 2012

    Its a sci-fi drama filled with heated conversations, mass hysteria, and self doubt. What you can expect out of this book is a lot characters who are all connected to the main plot but What that over arching plot will be, well have to wait to read more in order to find out. If youre expecting a bunch of superheroes saving the world, this is not the book for you. There are no heroes or villains specifically, only reality based people who create the technology to perfect the world and those who use it. Nowhere Men is one of those books that have been appropriately released in a time that readers can reflect on the technological fads and trends around them and really think. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Nov 28, 2012

    Nowhere Men #1 instantly clicked for me, and if you give this Image book a shot, maybe it'll do the same for you. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    iFanboy - Ron Richards Nov 28, 2012

    What struck me about Nowhere Men #1 was that this has the makings of a great story that I would most likely be all over if it was afictionprose novel. A little bit of science fiction, a little bit of Beatles-esque mystique, a touch of retro, a bit of business, it has the makings to hit many of my interests. But here is where we get to celebrate and praise the medium of comics, because if this was a novel, I'm sure it would be great but much of the design and mood and feel would be lost. Through the stellar design and art, Nowhere Men #1 becomes a complete experience that's unlike anything else on the stands and it off to a great start. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Nov 30, 2012

    This type of corporate vanguard story is not unique in comics, but they're irregular enough that they've yet to feel tiresome or derivative, and when they're well done they add a compelling alternative to the status quo, and with this a fine addition to Image's exceptional roster of alternatives. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Nov 28, 2012

    Nate Bellegarde provides the art, and while it looks good, it is not without its faults. The characters look good, and since this is a character driven book, that is a very good thing. However, everything that surrounds the characters lacks definition. The backgrounds are boring to non-existent, often leaving the characters standing in front of plain, colored boxes. Buildings lack features. Everything just has a sense of plainness. Now, the gem encrusted gorilla? Totally awesome. More of that and we'll be fine. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Michelle Felizarte Dec 10, 2012

    All in all, I liked this issue as a start to a series. Characters were introduced well and each storyline held up on its own rather than being overshadowed by another. I'm intrigued but not quite in love. I give this issue a 7/10. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Nov 28, 2012

    Overall, I will be coming back for more Nowhere Men, without a doubt. The first half of the book was strong enough to overcome the pacing of the second half for me, and I hope my comments about the second half come back to bite me down the road. Stephenson has set up the framework for what could be a really interesting series and has great co-conspirators on board with Bellegarde and Bellaire. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Dec 15, 2012

    Nate Bellegarde's artwork boasts a strong Cully (The Shade, Red) Hamner influence here, and I like how effectively he ages the characters from the first to second scenes. Most notable about the art is how expansive all of the backdrops are, and they're often cavernous and empty. They convey the large scope of the story quite well and the ambition of the main characters' mission in life. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Nov 28, 2012

    This comic intrigued me more than it entertained me. Will it change your geeky comic book collecting life? No. Is it worth purchasing this first issue and perhaps the second & third? I think so. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Crux - Jessica Tarnate May 10, 2013

    All in all, the idea of Nowhere Men is appealing, a nice change from hyperviolent and sexualized comics. But the pacing and story progression needs work. Furthermore, the artwork and colors leave much to be desired. A more stylized and retro look would have fit the story and time period better. Nowhere Men could very well improve in the following issues, but Im not sure its worth the wait. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Nov 28, 2012

    As far as first issues go it didn’t blow me away, but that may play to its favor in the next issue. It did however catch my attention enough to be return to the series to find out the answers to numerous mysteries presented throughout the issue. It has a huge amount of potential and if even a fraction of that pays off it will be decent to great series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Brian Bannen Dec 3, 2012

    Nowhere Men has promise; it just needs to do more than hint at it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - George Chimples Dec 5, 2012

    I respect Stephenson's ambitions on Nowhere Men, even as I think this issue's reach exceeded its grasp. It hit the ground running a little too hard, leaving me unable to properly process the core conflicts and characters and how they relate to one another. There are so many balls in the air "" corporate necessity versus idealism, a Syd Barrett-styled scientific genius, a research colony dealing with disease and isolation "" that none of the individual stories got the attention they deserved. I feel that over time, these problems will wash out, as more issues fill in the gaps created by this first issue. Nowhere Men #1 is not a stunning debut, but it is definitely an intriguing one. Nowhere Men #1 earns three out of five stars, and definitely a second look from yours truly further down the road. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Bloody Disgusting - MelissaGrey Nov 30, 2012

    Stephensons plodding dialogue and Bellegardes mostly stiff drawing do little to rouse excitement. Jordie Bellaires coloring is at its best when Bellegarde gives her something to work with, which he doesnt do nearly often enough. The premise of Nowhere Men could lead to something unique and interesting but the debut issue leaves something to be desired. The blueprints for greatness are there, but only time will tell if subsequent issues improve upon the execution. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Barron Network - R.Barron Nov 28, 2012

    Mom always told me if you have nothing nice to say you shouldnt at all but I have to be honest I hated this book. I just felt like I was being thrown across a wall multiple times with all of the time jumps. I also felt like the plot was just severely weak and I felt like just putting the book down. As much as I love Image Comics I have to say I am officially taking this one off my pull list Read Full Review

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