END OF STORY ARC! In the spectacular climax of the first volume of SPACE BANDITS, our heroes are called upon to save Viggo from the jaws of a monstrous, bloodthirsty princess. In this high-octane final issue, the girls must use their criminal cunning and combat skills to get out alive.
OverallA fantastic way to close out the story. The final moments in which we see Thena and Cody kind of put me in a mind a little of the ending to ‘Trading Places'. This is another one that I will be looking to buy a physical copy of when it is released on trade. If it is out in time for Christmas. It is one I'd definitely add to the list. Read Full Review
Space Bandits #5,while ending its story in a complete way also opens the door for a sequel series. I for one, can't wait to ride with Thena and Cody again, my new favorite sci-fi comic team. Read Full Review
Mark Millar has been on an absolute tear. It's hard to believe that Space Bandits, Chrononauts, American Jesus: The New Messiah, and Prodigy come from the same creator. Each series is wildly different from each other and each has been amazing. This bodes well as the series transition from print to streaming.
Space Bandits is particularly impressive in that it gave us a pair of really interesting female leads without falling into the "woke" trap of introducing "Strong" female protagonists that don't have much to offer beyond gender identity. Space Bandits would have worked just as well if the lead characters were men and I respect the thoughtful nature of the series.
This issue wraps up the opening story arc and more
Millar’s job was easy, his deal with Netflix meant essentially this was a glorified storyboard (albeit and excellent one). Matteo made this book matter, essentially ‘Chrononauts’ with girls in space.