"UNITY," Conclusion-Destiny manifests in Unity City as a sacrifice is made, and our intrepid heroes face some hard truths about their mission.
Finally, look for the commentary within these pages and heed the warnings. It's pretty entertaining on the first go through, but pretty sobering on the second. Read Full Review
Undiscovered Country #12 is a stunning, intense end to a terrific second arc. Despite this series hitting a dozen issues and hundreds of miles, it is still brimming with energy and intrigue. The action and art have always been one of the comic's big selling points, and it never disappoints. Soule and Snyder truly understand these characters, which has been clear from their first appearances. Every member of the creative team is at the top of their game and appears to be having fun depicting the chaos. Read Full Review
This was one of Undiscovered Country's strongest issues yet with the explosive end of Unity as the new zone and its secrets await. Read Full Review
Camuncoli and Marcello Grassi bring some beautiful, stylized visuals to this issue. Not only is there pulse pounding action, but there are some truly disturbing visuals throughout that are visually jarring. Loved every page and panel. Read Full Review
Undiscovered Country #12 may have more action than the previous 11 issues combined. Not quite sure how some of it's possible in Scott Snyder and Charles Soule's world. Doesn't seem like we'll get an answer on that in the near future either. Read Full Review
Undiscovered Country #12 wraps up the current arc while pointing us on our next adventure… which seems intriguing. The series continues to challenge readers to think about the ideals that make up America and shows what happens when things get unbalanced. It's a reflection of our world and at times continues to mirror real events. It does what science fiction does best, act as a layered discussion of the world in which we live. Read Full Review
Fans will likely be just as happy to move into the next zone of this book as the characters are, as the heady nature of this storyline proved to be far too overwhelming, emphasizing its metaphors as it forgot to engage the reader. Read Full Review