• The Mole Man attacks NYC and only the Spider-Family can stop him!
• Mary Jane Watson Parker gets her first real test as a full-fledged super hero!
Rated T
I guess you can say that it's a Marvel Christmas miracle! Happy holidays everyone! Read Full Review
I'm honestly glad that this timeline that was shown during Secret Wars has been kept going. I hadn't enjoyed a Spider-Man comic since 2007, and I'm glad to be back on the band wagon. Conway captures the Parkers as a modern day family struggling to get by, while being Superheroes on the side. Annie May's personality reminds me of a younger Peter Parker just starting out as a hero with his abilities, but she is definitely MJ's daughter. The Spider Family is as strong as the webbing they swing from, and I can't wait for the next issue to be released. Read Full Review
Renew Your Vows is so close to a flawlessly executed Spider-Man comic that it's almost frustrating to read because of that. Read Full Review
In Conway's defense, however, the character work really is great. If the story seeds he's can intertwine themselves with the rest of the script, then Renew Your Vows could go from a "fun" book to a classic. Either way, though, it's still a good read if you're a Spidey fan. Read Full Review
Overall it feels like this beginning story arc is being usedas a way to establish each characters role inside the family. Peter is of course who he's always been justmore fatherly, Mary Jane comes across as a character fans have been beggingfor, and Annie is getting opportunities to develop into a hero that shows promise. Its cliche to say but there really is somethingfor everyone to enjoy in this title if you're not looking to take it toseriously and just enjoy a continuity free ride. Read Full Review
Conway takes a step back to examine a married Mary Jane much like last issue caught readers up to a married Peter Parker. Fans of classic, character driven Spider-Man stories will be more than pleased, while those itching to see what happens next might be a little disappointed. Read Full Review