Without question, this is the best spin-off from AVX. Buy it, read it, love it. Read Full Review
"AVX: VS" #1 is, in many ways, the comics equivalent of professional wrestling. There are big moments of drama. Memorable images. The occasional shot of dialogue that'll make you smile. But really, it's all about seeing who wins the fights, appreciating the techniques of the characters (and creators) and getting invested in the outcome even though it's of no material consequence. If you like that idea, then you're going to love this book. If you think it sounds stupid, then 5-star rating or not, you can comfortably skip it. Read Full Review
Victor: Can't wait for it. See you next week! Read Full Review
Overall, this book is exactly what it promised all those months ago. It is full of action and is a heck of a lot of fun. That is its aim, and it has pretty much accomplished just that in this opening issue of this limited series. Read Full Review
My last comment will be to praise editorial and/or the writers or whoever is responsible for the play-by-play comments throughout the issue. They really give the book the feel of an old school boxing or wrestling match and help keep this book focused on being a riot rather than an in-depth psychological take on these characters. Marvel is selling this book as what it is: a battle royale and I applaud them them for keeping things light and creating a fun issue. Read Full Review
It's going to be hard to make every issue of this series interesting and thought provoking but don't let that stop you from enjoying a fantastic first installment. Read Full Review
Avengers vs. X-Men VS. #1 is not bad. It's not trying to be this big deal - it's just there for comic book slam-bang fun. That may change as the stakes get higher, it may not. I may be able to remember how to just go 'wheee!' along with a comic book, I may not. Either way, I yam what I yam and it is what it is, and if you dig what it is, who cares what I yam? Read Full Review
I will not lie by saying that The Avengers vs. The X-Men Versus #1 was not entertaining because it was. I had fun reading the two fights that were in this issue. But the question is not if the comic was fun but if it is worth the $3.99 cover price? The answer to that is a definitive No. Read Full Review
This is an issue about some of the fights during AVENGERS VS. X-MEN. Plain and simple, that's what you get. There are no illusions that more will be contained. What it does do is flesh out the action seen in AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #2. There was a lot that happened in that issue and because many of the battles took place within one panel, there wasn't a complete feeling when reading the issue. Here we get to see what happened between the panels and pages. With Jason Aaron, Adam Kubert, Kathryn Immonen and Stuart Immonen on board, you know there is some quality to the two battles. The slight lack of continuity is frustrating and it will be hard to judge each issue as it will mainly rely on which characters are featured. Read Full Review
AvX: VS does exactly what it sets out to do. In some ways it's a more enjoyable read than AvX itself is so far. That said, there are far better and more ambitious books you can be spending your $3.99 on this week. Read Full Review
It very much feels like Marvel and it's writers are trying to throw audiences curveballs with this series. It's very, very obvious that Magneto should defeat Iron Man and that Namor should defeat Thing when fighting underwater, yet Jason Aaron and Kathryn Immonen (respectively) feel like giving the underdogs the victories makes more sense. Instead, it simply comes off as ridiculous and a slap in the face to readers who supposedly know these characters. I mean, how can Marvel justify making Namor lose a fight underwater? I simply don't know. Read Full Review
That said, if you do wind up picking up AVX: VS #1, do it for The Thing/Namor showdown, a solid FIVE STAR EFFORT. The Magneto/Iron Man effort" well, they both get to live to fight another day. Read Full Review
On most other levels, though, I have to say that the issue is a disappointment. Art-wise, nothing stands out as bad or wrong, and the Immonen portion of the book is well-crafted in it's farcical sub-aquatic glories, but I all transitory questions of that value pale to the realization that that the book is 20 pages of battle for $3.99, without even a "Previously" page to put it all in perspective. Sound and fury are both present, and the usual Shakespearian significance sadly applies. AVX: Versus #1 is, at best, a DVD extra, put forward and sold as a full episode in itself, earning both utter dismay and 1 out of 5 stars overall. Read Full Review