• Deadpool's adventure in New Orleans continues, and the locals want to test their might against the Merc with a Mouth!
• But that ain't all - Deadpool also draws the ire of the deadliest group of killers with the word "guild" in their name - THE ASSASSINS GUILD!
• And boy, are there are a LOT of them!
Parental Advisory
Oh my stars and garters! It's about to get a tad nasty down in New Orleans. Deadpool is up against the wall and facing some mighty tough customers. And that's right, all of these fine folks are from the Assassins Guild. That means good old DP is gonna have to get his hands dirty and his blades bloody again. But what comes after the fight is done? Well, true believers are going to have to pick up the book and read it for themselves. Read Full Review
Great job, but left a bit more for wanting. Read Full Review
This may be the weakest issue in the series thus far, but it's still a funny read filled with awesome action sequences. Read Full Review
Bunn an Bagley have crafted a weird, kinda wonderful run, and one that is totally worth continuing to keep up with. Read Full Review