• This town ain't big enough for the both of 'em. Or is it?
• There's a new hero in Jersey City! Introducing FADI FADLALAH, A.K.A. AMULET!
• What secrets is this gentle giant hiding? Is he friend or foe? And why's he showing up now, just when Kamala got her life back on track? Read and find out, True Believer!
Rated T+
One of Ahmed's best Ms. Marvel issues to date, hands down. Read Full Review
Fitting a new character into a well-established cast can be tricky, but Amulet fits seamlessly into the Ms. Marvel story and is going to add a lot to coming issues. Read Full Review
This comic book explores the dynamic between a teenage superhero and her parent. It's sweet and full of love. Amulet seems like a great fit to fight alongside Kamala. It's about time she got a sidekick! The art is beautiful and every bit of writing was something I could relate to in my own life. Bravo, Ms. Marvel team! You've done it again. Read Full Review
The Magnificent Ms Marvel #13 brings us out of the last arc and into the next. While Kamala feels guilty about her father, she still saves the day and even makes a new friend. But with an impending ban on teenage superheroes, Kamalas life is about to go off the rails again. Will she and Bruno work things out and tell their friends about their relationship? What will she do when her superhero antics become illegal? Well find out next time in The Magnificent Ms Marvel #14! Read Full Review
I always enjoy Kamala, and Saladin Ahmed knows how to balance heroics with family and friends, and that's the mixture I love for this book. Seeing Amulet for the first time is a big bonus, and while I wish we could learn a little more about him before jumping into the Outlawed story next month, I will possibly have to wait on that. Maybe not, but right now, I have a smile on my face. Read Full Review
The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #13 (Ahmed, Vasquez, Vlasco & Herring) gives us an intriguing new character in Amulet. However, due to its placement between a big arc and an even bigger cross-title event, it doesnt seem to do much else. Read Full Review
A new superhero is introduced in a pleasant little issue. There is a lot to like here, even if I'm not feeling it as fully as I would like. Read Full Review
Ms. Marvel #13 is a fine one-off story that uses the last moment before the "Outlawed" crossover to make an interesting addition to Kamala's supporting cast. What's on full display is the creative attention lavished on that cast. This issue is a potent reminder that Kamala has never been the only lovable part of the Ms. Marvel experience; she's surrounded by equally-admirable secondary characters. The new teen wizard-hero Amulet will be in rarified company if he can stick around. Read Full Review