Rocket Raccoon #2

Writer: Skottie Young Artist: Skottie Young Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 6, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 10
8.7Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

• FRAMED. The most notorious Raccoon in the galaxy has been arrested and falsely accused of murder!
• The real killer? An imposter procyon that seems to be one step ahead of Rocket at every turn.
• Now, it's up to Rocket and a certain someone from Planet X to find the truth!

  • 10
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Aug 7, 2014

    And the art. Sweet fancy Moses, the art. There are layouts here that could go up in a frame on a wall. Young has merged Looney Tunes, Heavy Metal and Mad Magazine with a Marvel Cosmic story to come up with a book that looks totally insane but never less than charming and with an irresistible sense of fun. There are a myriad of little jokes within captions and sound effects that add so much to the book. Anyone who reads comics or loved the movie should do themselves a favour and check this book out. It'll knock your socks off. This is what comics are for. It's so good, it's the first book I've ever given a perfect score to. It's earned it. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    Fanboys Inc - Cody Mudge Aug 7, 2014

    Rocket Racoon #2 is basically a perfect follow-up to the stellar debut from last month. Young is off to an amazing start and if he can keep this up this comic will command a significant cult following soon enough. The impossible charm of the lead character combined with terrific artwork at every turn and a cleverly written story make this a comic that easily qualifies as one of the masterpieces of the week a must-read! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Rob Thomas Aug 9, 2014

    So does Rocket Raccoon #2 hold a candle to its debut? For the most part, for the most part, yes–it totally does. The first half of the story (up through the prison break sequence) felt much more entertaining than what followed, but Skottie Young only taps the brakes gently here. Clearly, by the end of the issue, he's stomping the accelerator again, sending us careening into yet-another out-of-control scenario. Next issue finds Rocket, Groot, and company facing down the Ex-Armada and I, for one, cannot wait. Kudos, Skottie. Kudos, Marvel. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Comic Book Herald - Big Phil Aug 8, 2014

    If you can't tell yet, I'm a huge fan of this book and these characters. This captures everything that I love about Rocket and Groot and should be bought by everyone who reads Guardians of the Galaxy. I think that this could be the start of Skottie Young's established writing career and hope that this book continues on for a long time. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Word Of The Nerd - The Nerd Aug 8, 2014

    What Young has done here is make you care about what is going on and for Rocket without taking things too seriously. This issue is a fun ride, with the centerfold prison break sequence being a true feast for the eyes. This series is definitely getting added to my monthly pull list and like another hidden gem I discovered this week, I look forward to exploring more of the Guardians characters. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Aug 8, 2014

    Don't expect the usual strum and drang, or hyper-realism. This is a comic in the best sense of the word - as free-spirited and wild as Rocket himself. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Tres Dean Aug 7, 2014

    Skottie Young's Rocket Raccoon is irreverent, meta-aware, and probably the most fun book Marvel has on the stands these days. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Chris Wilson Aug 8, 2014

    I have a rule against paying $3.99 for a comic put out by Marvel or DC but Rocket Raccoon #2 may have to be the exception. There's so much here to love and it's a plain fun book that doesn't take itself too seriously, which is a nice change of pace. While some of the parallels to the movie feel forced, the artwork and frantic energy more than make up for it. Even without a major motion picture, Rocket Raccoon's book would be a winner. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Coming Up Comics - David Melton Aug 6, 2014

    Can't wait to see where this goes, but I know I'll be enjoying it no matter what. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We The Nerdy - Randy Z. Ochoa Aug 6, 2014

    Just a quick sidebar on Jeff Eckleberrys letters. There is also a subtle thing about them if you take a good look at them. The word balloons themselves imitate Youngs own inking style. Its a small detail, but one that really makes you smile. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Aug 12, 2014

    On a personal note I'll also admit to shelling out the extra cash for the Stan Sakai (the genius behind Usagi Yojimbo) variant cover which is pretty damn cool. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - George Marston Aug 6, 2014

    While his star has certainly been on the rise for the last few years, Rocket Raccoon has never had a higher profile than at this exact moment. And for many fans, that's hard to believe. But with Skottie Young turning out comics like this, which capitalize effortlessly on Guardians of the Galaxy's box office pull, and the cantankerous charisma of its most unlikely star, it's easy to see why Rocket has stolen our hearts. Maybe he just wants them more than we do. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Dan Leicht Aug 6, 2014

    Young is creating a story with a mysterious background while also bring the %$@#! whenever Rocket is around. This series brings the humor youre looking for, the visuals youll get lost in, and the story you want to read! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Aug 7, 2014

    While Rocket is the most appealing "Guardians of the Galaxy" character for audiences of all ages, this comic isn't an all-ages read. It's more apropos for fans of Deadpool and Bendis' current run on "Guardians of the Galaxy" than it is suited for readers mired in continuity or younger readers looking to make a character connection to a fuzzy woodland critter. Weighing in as a teen-plus read, Young does a fine job working alongside Bendis' interpretation of the team and has provided readers with an outlet to get their fill of Rocket Raccoon adventures. The second-part of an ongoing story, "Rocket Raccoon" #2 gives readers a satisfying adventure, but leaves plenty of reason to come back. Read Full Review

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