When chaos magic meets alchemical might, it's all Wanda can do to keep her town - and her friends - from getting caught in the crossfire. Hexfinder has sworn vengeance on all witches and won't stop until Wanda is a trophy on her wall. Wanda is one of the most powerful forces in the Marvel Universe - but can she stand against someone who's trained her whole life to eradicate magic?
Rated T+
Steve Orlando, Sara Pichelli, and company knock it out of the park once again, and make me sad that this particular era of Wanda's story is over. Read Full Review
Though SCARLET WITCH leaned more into plot than character in the immediate run up to this issue, Orlando balances both elements here and hits the kind of emotional beats that made the series successful. SCARLET WITCH #10 ties everything together and sends the series out on a high note. Read Full Review
Pichellis art is dazzling. I love the detail in every page and panel as well as the beautifully composed action and magic. Read Full Review
The final issue of this very awesome comic wraps things up quickly, but is no less a fun read. Read Full Review
Scarlet Witch #10 ends this series on a high note. There was a great mix of action and emotion throughout this finale. Steve Orlando and Sara Pichelli proved that Wanda Maximoff can carry a solo series that has all the elements of a great superhero comic book. This ending leaves the door open for more adventures led by Scarlet Witch and hopefully we see more of after the mini-series with Quicksilver. Read Full Review