Shuri #9

Writer: Nnedi Okorafor Artist: Rachael Stott Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 19, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 9
7.8Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

All of Wakandan history and culture is under threat as the Space Lubber that followed Shuri all the way from the depths of space back to Wakanda makes its move! To stop it, Shuri and her allies will have to go deep into the Vibranium mines - which doesn't sit well with the claustrophobic Storm!
Rated T

  • 9.4
    Black Nerd Problems - Khadjiah Johnson Jun 20, 2019

    A step up from the last installment, this issue is filled with more jarring colors and movement. I enjoyed their moments of flight and trip-ups. It pushed the urgency of the narrative, and kept the story moving in a cinematic way. What I hope to see in more Shuri comics is the evidence of this transformation. Now that she has achieved this growth, in what ways will she continue to raise her capabilities? How else can she provide for her people? What other comfort zones does Shuri have that we have yet to unlock? I can't wait to admire what the Shuri Unlimited team has in store for our ever-growing powerhouse. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    On Comics Ground - Aaron Jones Jun 28, 2019

    We're back to the main story when Nnedi Okorafor take Shuri and Storm on mission. In trying to defeat this music loving Space Lubber, Shuri's tech is hacked by her friend Muti. In the pursuit of Muti, the truth of his allegiances and character are revealed. The action is fast and it's a challenge for the Black Panther. But she is up to the task? Pick up the newest issue of Shuri today to see what comes next. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Nicole Drum Jun 19, 2019

    The result is an issue that is hard to invest in within a story that was already a challenge to follow. Read Full Review

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