In the jungles of Southeast Asia, in the days before the Fantastic Four...Reed Richards and Ben Grimm are on a secret government mission - hunting monsters! And what they find will shape the world to come in ways they can't even guess at. This issue exposes the secrets (well, some of them) behind this sweeping new series! Also featuring the Winter Soldier, the Red Guardian, Warlord Kro of the Deviants, the Shi'ar and more! (And when we say "more," we're not kidding!)
32 PGS./Rated T
This series as a whole continues to weave a really unique narrative while each individual issue on its own has more than enough to enjoy in the moment. Read Full Review
Beautiful old style Marvel book. They never make them like this anymore🥲
I'm a huge Marvel nerd, so when I see all this mashing together of characters, obscure and popular alike, I get really into it. I just have to pull myself back from that and wonder how this series is selling? I want this to be the sort of thing that goes on for a long, long run, but I feel like it's definitely a niche title. We'll see, I guess.
An agile narrative accompanied by excellent art, it really was a pleasant surprise.
I didn't bet too much on this number, and it was a nice read, agile narrative accompanied by some great art.
It feels like it's 80% continuity porn. The real percentage isn't that high -- there's a solid story in here -- but still, there are lots of "go wiki this" additions that don't really contribute in a narrative sense.
Kinda chaotic but still pretty good.