When three explosive ladies hit the town, they had no idea it was going to hit back so hard...and shockingly, running into their stabby friend Wolverine hasn't made the night any less blood-soaked. Join Dazzler, Jubilee, Boom-Boom and Wolverine for a bloody, sexy gut-punch of a series that will leave you begging for another!
Parental Advisory
X-Terminators is an unabashed, rude, and loud series, and we're all better for it. This second issue continues to be super fun, funny, and entertaining. There's simply nothing like it on the comics shelves, making it well worth purchasing and enjoying. That uniqueness, however lacking in depth, goes a long way to entertain comics readers who are bored with the same old same old. Read Full Review
X-Terminators #2 has all the violence, cheesecake, and silliness of the first issue while continuing to develop the plot. It explores concepts of objectification and performance while staying true to its grindhouse aesthetic. Read Full Review
I don't think I enjoyed this issue as much as the last one because the series opened with a lot of good character stuff and things that just focused on the characters. Here, it's all about the fight and the minor personality clashes between the four women, which is less interesting overall. It's not a surprise or unexpected material but it's also why I was more interested in the Kraoka bits and what we got from Alex with the behind-the-scenes look at events. It's a solid issue and the fight material is really good with some great visuals – especially the color design – so it's a strong read throughout that delivers a lot of fun. Read Full Review
A gleefully fun romp into corners of the Marvel Universe that we don't see enough. There's a big part of me that wants to see this creative team continue this series the moment it ends. Read Full Review
The energy behind this series is still really strong in this second issue, though it veers a bit into being too generic by the end. Read Full Review
X-Terminators #2 is a fast read but a fun one. Read Full Review
X-Terminators #2 is a fun issue growing more nuanced as the story progresses. Read Full Review
X-Terminators #2 is a loud, obnoxious, contrived, pointless mess. The characters' voices don't sound anything like they should, and worse, they all sound like each other. The plot is a series of random happenings, but at least the art's good. Read Full Review
"Ladies and gentle-theys"? The hell does that even mean? You can say ladies but not gentlemen? Other than that enormously stupid line, this was decent. I hope this story finds some semblance of purpose at some point though...if it's just mindless gore and wisecracks for 5 issues, that would be disappointing.
The art is still unabashedly cheesecakey and lurid; probably the issue's strongest feature. The script is decent (in terms of storytelling, not community standards), but not as funny as #1. I'm pleasantly surprised that the author is still driving the plot forward, though.