Young Avengers #2

Writer: Allan Heinberg, Jim Cheung Artist: Jim Cheung, John Dell Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 16, 2005 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 15
7.4Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

The secret origin of Iron Lad is finally revealed! Patriot goes solo! And a face from the past returns to demand a place among the Young Avengers!

  • 8.1
    Comic Watch - Nicolas Duncan May 10, 2020

    This series seems to be more down to Earth, witty and realistic at times in regards to teenage actions and emotions. This issue has great dialog with a surprisingly complex and intriguing plot. Jim Cheung & John Dell provided great details in their artwork. Each panel is laid out almost perfectly. These two highly skilled artists along with colors by Justin Ponsor pack some power and greatly enhance Heinberg's storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dominic Organ Mar 25, 2005

    This series has bags of potential and I would hope to see it fully realised in future issues. Having said that, I think the number of landmines (in time continuity), packaged explosives (from rabid, angry fans at what could appear to be another cash in) and possible bad stories standing in Y.A.'s way could prove too insurmountable to overcome. As it stands I am quietly optimistic, but wont be betting the house on its success. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Adam Volk Mar 22, 2005

    In the end, Young Avengers is a pleasant surprise. Heinberg (who landed the gig after working on TVs The O.C.) is a hell of a writer, his dialogue is smart, his characters (despite their inherent cheesiness) are interesting, and the plot is surprisingly complex and intriguing. The fact that Jim Cheungs art happens to be incredibly well-polished and innovative also adds a great deal to the title, and the book is worth picking up for Cheungs work alone. No, despite the fact that the odds are staked against it, Young Avengers manages to come off as a hell of a ride, with over the top action, larger than life characters, and some of the best art in the business. Like its characters, Young Avengers is a true underdog story: it should fail, it should suckbut somehow Heinberg not only manages to make it work, but more impossibly, he manages to makes it interesting too. Damnso much for my scathing review. Read Full Review

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