Faith #4 (Mini-Series)
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Faith #4 (Mini-Series)

Writer: Jody Houser Artist: Francis Portela, Marguerite Sauvage Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: April 27, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 7
8.8Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

Outnumbered, outgunned, and out of time - but never out of Faith!

Mild-mannered blogger by day and aspiring superhero by night, Faith Herbert never imagined she'd find herself at the center of a story like this! Pursued by the agents of a stealth extraterrestrial invasion at every turn, this former Harbinger Renegade is about to realize that Earth needs a new kind of hero to save the day.

Rising star Jody Houser and explosive artists Francis Portela and Marguerite Sauvage deliver the can't-miss conclusion to Faith's spotlight-stealing solo debut!

  • 10
    Graphic Policy - Alex K Cossa Apr 25, 2016

    If you can find a copy, grab it. Grab it and find out why Faith is so amazing. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Apr 29, 2016

    I could definitely say so much more about Faith #4 but Im here to write a review, not another dissertation. The talent for this series was wonderfully chosen, and this issue displays a type of storytelling that has levity mixed with dire straits, fantasy and dreams mingled with the gravity of saving the world (or at least L.A.). As this series moves forward, this part of the story sets the tone for what we will see and captures so much of what is actually right about comics. Theres excellent pacing and movement throughout the issue without losing a beat, and prior strings are tied together in a manner that feels organic. I highly recommend you picking up this issue, and the previous three, if you want a story that has the trappings of nerddom without the toxicity. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Apr 28, 2016

    Faith #4 closes the storyline for the miniseries nearly while advancing characters and setting up our heroine for more to come. Portela, Sauvage, Dalhouse and Pantazis really render some eye-catching and emotionally powerful panels to lure people with their eyes. Houser's writing is very clear and mult-layered, allowing plenty of character growth and witty banter to keep readers engaged. Houser makes the issue close out the main storyline with a satisfying conclusion and gets our girl ready for more adventures on her own. I also like the statement that Houser states about being a hero and the level of danger a hero faces. Using the issue to make interesting statements on heroism and level of threat compared to what is being saved was truly wonderful and some of the most intelligent writing I have read. This issue was a triumph of writing and art, allowing readers to enjoy a new star being born. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Alyssa Jackson Apr 26, 2016

    The issue ends with what feels like a mission statement: “Maybe it's the little changes that end up being the best ones. After all, it's the big and the little moments that make it my story.” Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge May 2, 2016

    The end is just the beginning for Faith as she is poised to close this chapter and to open a new one as a full fledged leading lady. Though the character made waves as a avatar for under represented fans all over the world, Jody Houser, Francis Portela, Marguerite Sauvage, Andrew Dalhouse and Pete Pantazis transform this final issue into not only a tight wrap-up of her first case, but a love letter to all of those who found strength and a sense of belonging in the pages of comics just like this one. Stories matter to people and even though she may have superpowers and a burgeoning career as a hero, Faith Herbert is still a fan just like we are. Faith #4 is a book for the nerds and a shining example of Valiant Entertainment's continued commitment to character. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    FanboyNation - Lowell Newton Apr 25, 2016

    I recommend this book to you and to your non-comic reader friends. Lend your friends this comic after your done or do Valiant a favor and buy two, one for you and your buddy. Faith #4 is great place to start with Valiant Entertainment. Are you getting bored with a title with your pull list? I'd ad this one to your list. It could also be that gateway drug for your non comic reading friends. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 27, 2016

    While it's easy to rag on dark books for their lack of hope, it's missing in a lot of lighter books as well. Faith hits this theme well and I'm definitely curious to see if it can be tackled more in an ongoing. The changes here are not radical but the book provides a lot of them and in many ways reminded me of my favorite comics from the 80's that involved non-hero time that showcased the actual character. Jody Houser has a good handle on her and hopefully we can decompress things just a touch more with an ongoing since a miniseries has a tight structure to work with and it had all the double duty of introducing the world to new readers like me that haven't been involved with the character before. Portela and Sauvage did some great work here and fans of Faith have gotten a very solid treatment that should delight them with this book being a reference point for years to come. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Apr 27, 2016

    Faith #4 is a solid conclusion to he series and sets up an intriguing situation for her ongoing series. Whether it's her work or personal life I really like how it's all supportive of her role as a superhero avoiding clich pitfalls.The confrontation with the Vine is entertaining although the tone of the last battle is somewhat surprising in terms of the humor in light of all those killed by the Vine's operations. However, this issue is indicative of who Faith is and that's something that I'm interested in keeping up with and I'm looking forward to her next series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper May 2, 2016

    "Faith" #4 is a warm, generous issue that left me even more delighted about the continuing series. I'm entirely sold on the potential of this character. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jeff Lake Apr 28, 2016

    The speed and convenience in which the book's threat is introduced and summarily dispatched is again noticeable, but the character put forth by Jody Houser, Francis Portella and Marguerite Sauvage is so strong that it's easy to overlook. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Amy Okamoto Apr 26, 2016

    While this may be the final book in the miniseries, effectively closing out this particular adventure, its also a book about beginnings. Faiths personal and professional relationships are changing, and this story sows the seeds for what may come in the future.The future, in case you havent heard, will let readers continue to Fly Like Faith with the new Faith ongoing series debuting this summer.At its heart, this is a feel-good story. Pick up Faith #4 and find out how Faiths first major adventure resolves. Your spirits, like Faith herself, will soar. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopOptiq - Ashley Leckwold Apr 29, 2016

    This particular issue is titled "Herstory" and it feels befitting. Faith is history in the making and while this part of her story is over, Houser, Portela and Sauvage did a fantastic job in creating the first chapter of it. #4 proved to be a solid finale, closing enough to wrap it all up, but leaving enough avenues to explore in the upcoming ongoing. Just what awaits her there, we don't know, but if it's just as fun of a trip as this story has been, there's nothing to worry about. Read Full Review

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