Caliban is hungry. Starving on the streets of 19th century England, Lucifer's son seeks his father through a deadly pact with a sadistic nobleman...and a grisly feast of forbidden flesh. Featuring: a tour through the lesser-known corners of Hell, a hunting party like no other, and special guest artist Kelley Jones.
This issue is a fever-dream tale that you can't help but love. Read Full Review
A master weaving of multiple storylines tells the tale of an episode in Calibans past as we take a departure from the main storyline. Caliban meets a hunter, Lord Fowler, and together they devour a demon in order to learn more about Lucifer and the denizens of Hell. This was an excellent gothic treat reminiscent of House of Secrets/ House of Mystery and well placed in the Sandman Universe, but it remains uncertain how closely it connects with the current story-arc concerning Sycorax. Read Full Review
It's a major divergence from the main story of this title in Lucifer #9, complete with a very distinct guest artist in the form of Kelley Jones. Best known for his instantly recognizable Batman work, Jones is one of the best horror artists in the industry " so it's no surprise that this issue plays to his strengths with a deeply disturbing tale. Read Full Review
VerdictI thought this was a great in the larger story that is developing to introduce what motivates Caliban. He is an impressive detective and cook and his patience is something that would make his father Lucifer proud. Caliban is about to play a significant part of the upcoming story. Understanding how he thinks will make clear the choices he will soon have to make regarding the fate of his mother, his father, and ultimately his own. Read Full Review
A creepy tale of the damnation of an arrogant man at his own hand, Lucifer #9 is darkly blessed by strong writing and artwork from one of comic's legends. If you read one horror comic in 2019, then Lucifer should be at the top of your list. Read Full Review
Great issue!
Possibly the best issue so far. Vertigo sure doesn't feel dead with books like this still going.
Horror comics now tend to all have something in common...they lack horror.They are cynical...or more concerned about socially commenting on whatever outrage of the minute strikes them.But lets be clear...they don't horrify.They also don't have tension.They also don't have atmosphere.
All things that a great horror book must have.These are difficult objectives to hit in a comic,but its what creators must strive for in this genre.
Then Lucifer #9 comes out and refreshes us with a tale worthy of any put to paper in years.Chilling and relentless, it is a masterpiece of what the French call...frission,translated,Terror.I won't spoil this story with reveals, other than you dont really need to read Lucifer as a series to understand this more
Love it! Caliban’s story here really shown through. Even though it didn’t have Lucifer barely in it, the whole plot with the hunter and Caliban trying to understand and get to hell was very entertaining.
Really good issue, if a bit predictable.